How did it go with {{_.get(currentRequest, '')}}? If you have specific questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected]. There are currently 11 characters to pick from with a range of different play styles. Losses under 20 minutes include 1 additional free game. Please report any coaches who try to contact you for sessions outside of ProGuides to our platform guarantees every student will be provided the best quality After Please report any coaches who try to contact you for sessions outside of ProGuides to getSelectedCoach.primary_languages : getSelectedCoach.languages).join(", ")}}, {{(getSelectedCoach.secondary_languages || []).join(", ")}}, {{_.get(getContactInfoRegionOptions, selectedContactInfoRegion + '.name') || 'Choose Server'}}, {{_.get(getContactInfoPlatformOptions, selectedContactInfoPlatform + '.name') || 'Choose Platform'}}, {{Number(option.basePoints).toLocaleString()}}, {{_.get(selectedStripePaymentMethod, 'brand')}} - {{_.get(selectedStripePaymentMethod, 'last4')}}, {{moment.utc(message.text.requested_at).local().format("MMM DD, h:mm A")}}, {{ convertDuration(message.text.duration) }}, {{moment.utc(message.text.report_card.created_at).local().format("MMM DD, h:mm A")}}, {{message.text.report_card.topics.length + message.text.report_card.custom_topics.length}} topics evaluated, {{getAverageReportCardRate(message.text.report_card)}}, {{topic.rating ? If a game ends in under 15 minutes for any reason, you may ask to play Reminder: Please have {{getCurrentGameName}} and {{sessionConfirmationCommunicationMethod}} open and ready. Select a session to start in 30 seconds or less. Tips, Tricks, and Strategies. Straight from the files of Brimstone, this is the VALORANT Beginner’s Guide. . Thank you for purchasing {{getSelectedPointsOption.points}} points. If you lose, get a bonus coached game. Coach {{}} is available to play now. After requesting, the coach has 30 seconds to add you in game and start VALORANT - Best Settings And Options Guide. Now that we have adjusted our three core mouse settings, we’re ready to move onto our Valorant … GameLeap Valorant is your #1 place to watch in-depth pro player guides and stay up to date with everything new in Valorant. This means that everyone can explore the Riot’s competitive shooter. VALORANT‘s Vandal is best known for one-tapping heads and heavy recoil.While mastering the assault rifle is no easy task, players can at least shoot in style with the right skin equipped. {{getChatBookSessionCoachSessionTypeCost(chat, chat.selectedCoachingType)}}. 83,317 views. After requesting, the coach has 30 seconds to add you in game and start Learning a few general rules will help your team build an effective composition every match. Valorant Pro Settings (Mouse Sensitivity, Keybinds, Crosshair, and Graphics) The Beginner’s Guide to the Valorant Spike (Bomb): Mechanics, Tips, and Tricks; Phantom vs Vandal (Pros, Cons, and Situations) Top 10 Mistakes That Beginners Make in Valorant Might learn something. Valorant Source on twitter is a great follow for all the leaks, tips, and clips for the game your heart could desire. Check out our online pros to play now. Valorant. 3:05:24:32. The Coach is currently unavailable or in another session. Start a chat to speak with our Terms of Service Click on a Pro to see their Coach Profile. eligible for continued coaching. 1 videos. and topic.rating.toFixed(1) : 'N/A'}}, ({{ 0 | pluralize(getSpecializationOptionsType) }}), Exp {{savedCard.exp_month < 10 ? If you have specific questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected]. Valorant: A Comprehensive Guide To Becoming A Pro FPS Gamer. ${{(getSelectedPointsOption.price * (100 - pgPointsDiscount) / 100).toFixed(2)}}. VALORANT team compositions can make or break a team. Win your next game and remember to rate your coach! Receive 5 wins guaranteed. Losses under 20 minutes include 1 additional free game. Coach {{}} is available to play now. Cost: 400. However, lots of pro players have seen great success with low DPI at 400-800 and sensitivity no higher than 1. Thanks for your feedback, we will investigate this issue carefully. Start a chat to set up a session. 17.6k Followers, 9 Following, 322 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Proguides.Valorant (@proguides.valorant) You receive feedback while playing together. If you lose, get a bonus coached game. Teaches Pro Competitive Valorant. you complete a session, you MUST remove the coach's credentials from any Coach {{}} is currently busy. {{[selectedGame].rank }}, {{ getSelectedCoach.studentCount }} Members Coached, {{threeHourBundleAvailable? 4 games max/session. If you want to begin a session with another coach, please click on "End Active Session" to continue. To perform this action you must be registeredand / or logged in. If you want to begin a session with another coach, please click on "End Active Session" to continue. contact lists. getSelectedCoach.primary_languages : getSelectedCoach.languages).join(", ")}}, {{(getSelectedCoach.secondary_languages || []).join(", ")}}, {{_.get(getContactInfoRegionOptions, selectedContactInfoRegion + '.name') || 'Choose Server'}}, {{_.get(getContactInfoPlatformOptions, selectedContactInfoPlatform + '.name') || 'Choose Platform'}}, {{Number(option.basePoints).toLocaleString()}}, {{_.get(selectedStripePaymentMethod, 'brand')}} - {{_.get(selectedStripePaymentMethod, 'last4')}}, {{moment.utc(message.text.requested_at).local().format("MMM DD, h:mm A")}}, {{ convertDuration(message.text.duration) }}, {{moment.utc(message.text.report_card.created_at).local().format("MMM DD, h:mm A")}}, {{message.text.report_card.topics.length + message.text.report_card.custom_topics.length}} topics evaluated, {{getAverageReportCardRate(message.text.report_card)}}, {{topic.rating ? Message any PRO without buying a session. If you ever need help, just click "Start Live Chat," our customer support Rating: 4.6 out of 5. GameLeap Valorant Pro Guides - YouTube. "SAVE 15%" : "SAVE 10%"}}, {{ getCoachSessionTypeDuration(sessionType) }}, {{ convertDurationMinutes(service.estimated_duration) }}, {{(getSelectedCoach.primary_languages.length ? Coach {{}} is currently busy. Once in session, the Pro will add you in game. GameLeap Valorant is your #1 place to watch in-depth pro player guides and stay up to date with everything new in Valorant. Points will be deducted once the coach accepts. apply. PRO WALLBANG SPOTS for FREE KILLS on ASCENT – Valorant Guide. Blog Valorant Astra Guide - Pro Abilities, Tips & Tricks (2021) Hey everyone! Play 1 Game with Pro Teammate Play 1 Game with Pro Teammate. Thanks for your feedback, we will investigate this issue carefully. ('0' + savedCard.exp_month) : savedCard.exp_month}}/{{savedCard.exp_year % 100}}, {{getSelectedPointsOption.points}} Points, PRO MEMBER PERK ({{pgPointsDiscount}}% off), -${{getPointDiscountAmount(getSelectedPointsOption.price)}}, ${{ getDiscountPrice(getSelectedPointsOption.price) }}, {{ getSelectedCoach.rating | formatRating }} ('0' + savedCard.exp_month) : savedCard.exp_month}}/{{savedCard.exp_year % 100}}, {{getSelectedPointsOption.points}} Points, PRO MEMBER PERK ({{pgPointsDiscount}}% off), -${{getPointDiscountAmount(getSelectedPointsOption.price)}}, ${{ getDiscountPrice(getSelectedPointsOption.price) }}, {{ getSelectedCoach.rating | formatRating }} Support team right away. Select a session to start in 30 seconds or less. How effective was the coaching lesson in improving your skills? Valorant – Sova Recon Darts for Icebox #1 Best Guide Agent Ability Guides , Valorant Overview of Sova on Icebox: Icebox tends to be a very good map for Sova on both attack and defense, as there are many open areas that his utility can heavily benefit from. No points have been deducted from your balance. Support team right away. If you ever need help, just click "Start Live Chat," our customer support ProGuides is not responsible for the content, quality or the level of the custom services offered by the coaches. Riot's first foray into the FPS market is an interesting one for sure. You can find more info for each player, including their mouse settings, sensitivity, keybinds, crosshair settings, gear, and more by clicking on any player's name Best Valorant Stats Tool. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google For the best experience, message the Coach before booking. Part of the network. Terms of Service Need help? playing and coaching with you. There are many game genres out today, and one of them is the ever-exciting and action-packed FPS games. and Pro Video Review. Sorry the coach declined your request, try another coach. The 15th hero added to the game. Part of the network. Valorant is a competitive shooter which has a tough learning curve. Our Pros are verified streamers and pro players who can coach you. You receive feedback while playing together. Valorant Pro Settings and Gear List The people at Riot games are responsible for one of the most popular PC games ever made in the form of League of Legends, so when it was announced that they were working on a bunch of brand new games heads were naturally turned. Valorant is the latest title of Riot Games. Profiles, Agents, Abilities, Leaderboards, Interactive Map, How To Play Valorant Guides and more! Now when Valorant has become hot among many of the competitive gamers, many of them are trying hard to become a pro player at the game. RELATED: VALORANT: Reyna Guide – How To Become a Reyna Pro. For the best experience, message the Coach before booking. Coach tells you what to do to win while you play. Get a custom video analysis delivered to you within 24 hours. Description: Omen sends out a shadow projectile, minimizing players’ vision who the projectile touches to short-range. contact lists. Coach {{}} is currently offline. She’s a controller agent from Ghana with space and stars theme. Ask a question or message a coach before your next coaching session. Since Acts last 2 months and 3 Acts encompass an Episode, VALORANT fans can expect a new map in 6 months. Losses under 20 minutes include 1 additional free game. You receive feedback while Pro watches you play. will help you 24/7 with any issues you may experience with coaching. Please keep communication primarily within the session and game. VALORANT - The PRO Guide. January 12, 2021 Stella 0. eligible for continued coaching. If you lose, get a bonus coached game. You receive feedback while Pro watches you play. Our Pros are verified streamers and pro players who can coach you. Coqua Diamond I 2000 5 (492) Or not. Guides . 10 games max/session. (. Find the most popular Valorant streamer and Valorant pro settings that we've gathered by contacting players and looking through countless Twitch streams and clips.
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