For fat loss, weight maintenance, cutting, and overall health — these two forms of cardio will do just fine. Some studies have shown that while steady-state training taxes the aerobic system, HIIT workouts can stimulate both the aerobic and anaerobic systems. That means your body has more stamina and performs better in all your workouts, no matter what they are. Burns Fat, Builds Muscle. Effects of high-intensity interval training on cardiometabolic risk factors in overweight/obese women, High-intensity interval training for health benefits and care of cardiac diseases - The key to an efficient exercise protocol, The Goldilocks Zone for exercise: Not too little, not too much, Postexercise hypotension after continuous, aerobic interval, and sprint interval exercise, The physiology of submaximal exercise: The steady state concept, Regulation of muscle glycogen metabolism during exercise: Implications for endurance performance and training adaptations, Skeletal muscle fiber type: Influence on contractile and metabolic properties, Overuse injuries in sport: A comprehensive overview, Warm up with light-moderate cardio (walking or easy exercises like step touches and knee lifts), You're an experienced exerciser comfortable with. But it’s true. | Get Faster for Any Sport With This 12-Week Speed Workout. Early Specialization vs. However, if your diet is not in check, it won’t matter how much HIIT you do. 2014;18(5):17-24. doi:10.1249/FIT.0000000000000065, Angadi SS, Bhammar DM, Gaesser GA. Postexercise hypotension after continuous, aerobic interval, and sprint interval exercise. This means your body uses stored glucose in the muscles without relying too much on oxygen. You should also not be tied into any one specific piece of equipment, as different people may prefer to … Make sure you check out my 8-week lean legs program if you’re wanting more in-depth workout plans to help you lose fat. Rest is active (marching in place, for example). If you're coming from a completely sedentary lifestyle or returning to exercise after an injury, HIIT is probably not where you want to start. So, if you're just starting your fitness journey or have weak joints, HIIT cardio may not be the best place to start. In fact a 2018 global survey of fitness trends ranked HIIT No. You want to focus on losing weight and burning more calories during and after your workouts. If you are looking to boost your weight loss or get over a plateau, consider HIIT over cardio. For example you sprint as fast as you can for two minutes and then slow down to a jog for the next two minutes, and then repeat this sequence. Is HIIT Really Better Than Low-Intensity Cardio for Weight Loss? While you can modify the workouts to fit your fitness level, the idea is to get as far out of your comfort zone as you can. The effects of high intensity interval training vs steady state training on aerobic and anaerobic capacity. Research also suggests HIIT will result in a greater reduction of body fat, compared to traditional exercise. 2011;2011:868305. doi:10.1155/2011/868305, Astorino TA, Edmunds RM, Clark A, et al. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. 2018;13(1):309. doi:10.1186/s13018-018-1017-5. Nutrients. A recent meta-analysis comparing steady state cardio with HIIT found there were no significant differences in fat burning when the two groups were matched for time or energy expenditure. The point of this analogy was to show that in order to evict the stubborn fat, you need an aggressive and intense cardio program to get the job done. Steady State Cardio Or HIIT For Fat Loss: Which Is Best? LISS cardio relies on slow-twitch muscles, which are used for endurance exercises. However, if you have joint-related issues like arthritis or suffer from injuries, it's better to stick to LISS cardio. HIIT is characterized by bouts of high & low intensity in various ratios. Body mass, body fat percentage and abdominal subcutaneous fat were all measured in the exercise groups. In another 2012 study of 38 overweight men, impressive reductions in body fat were achieved through a HIIT program. Mo Med. Which Is Better? HIIT For Fat Loss- Summary At the end of the day, you should perform the one that you are comfortable doing, or a combination of both if applicable. It is a mistaken belief that long and slow, low intensity cardio is best for fat loss because it utilizes the aerobic system and burns fat during exercise. But as with nutritional advice, the full truth about exercise doesn’t always fit into headlines. In this video, we look at the science behind high intensity interval training (HIIT) and LISS (low intensity stead state). Is HIIT cardio too good to be true? The two main ways you can approach your cardio are for weight loss or for maintenance. In that case, the assessment of HIIT vs LISS is completely different The following table lists the features, advantages, and disadvantages of HIIT vs. steady state cardio. You want workouts that mix up different exercises and intensities to keep things interesting. Effects of high-intensity interval training on cardiometabolic risk factors in overweight/obese women. The Goal of this Article: HIIT For Weight Loss To teach you why HIIT is the best form of cardio for weight loss. How Long Should You Work Out to Lose Weight? Numerous research studies corroborate this phenomenon that HIIT cardio increases calorie burning in the 24 hours after your workout. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. Can't Do HIIT? HIIT training does have its disadvantages, and is not for everyone. The more sensitive your body is to insulin, the less your body needs that insulin to lower blood glucose levels. Too much HIIT can be lead to burnout, an increased risk for dropping out of exercise. Experts recommend limiting HIIT workouts to one to two a week to avoid overtraining.. The point of this analogy was to show that in order to evict the stubborn fat, you need an aggressive and intense cardio program to get the job done. As is the fact that the topic of this post came up during said revelry. You can burn the same amount of fat in half the time. HIIT vs Steady State Cardio: Different Cardio Every Single Day The biggest takeaway that I hope you get from this article is that both HIIT and steady state cardio are beneficial. HIIT burns more calories than low-intensity cardio per session. As mentioned earlier, HIIT cardio also gives you a more muscular physique than LISS. The idea is to work at a level where you can talk with maybe just a little difficulty. We reveal the answer on When fat loss is your focus, chances … Now I know a lot of you have gotten the hint as to why HIIT cardio is more advantageous to LISS cardio for muscle retention and fat loss and it seems as if I totally bashed LISS cardio to the ground. Diabetic individuals showed greater reductions in subcutaneous fat. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0020348, Aicale R, Tarantino D, Maffulli N. Overuse injuries in sport: A comprehensive overview. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is now popular. The other key to working up to HIIT is consistency. Some exercisers may even quit after too much intense exercise just because it's so uncomfortable. If your goal is fat loss, I suggest doing LISS 5-6 times a week and 1-2 HIIT workouts a week. This means that if fat loss is your goal, your total energy … f you're trying to lose weight, you have to work out for longer periods of time if you want to burn enough calories. The Best Strength and Power Superset for Athletes, Why Nutrition Isn't About Making the 'Perfect' Choice, Quick Cues to Clean Up Your Kettlebell Swing, A Peloton Bike Probably Won't Get You Your Dream Body. Both types of exercise measurably improve a number of important health and fitness markers, particularly when … LISS vs HIIT And Fat Loss When the word Cardio is uttered people immediately imagine that they have to spend hours on the treadmill. Read our, Add Intensity With High-Intensity Interval Training, Burn More Calories With High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). J Strength Cond Res. Then you’re not performing true HIIT. Enter high-intensity interval training, heralded as the true heir to the fat loss empire, one that you could perform in a fraction of the time it takes to do a longer steady state cardio session, and allow you to lose more weight in the process. doi:10.3390/sports6030068. An example of hiit cardio could be hopping on a Is HIIT cardio really 9 times more effective at burning fat than steady state cardio? You are training for an endurance race, such as a. 2017;49(2):265-273. doi:10.1249/MSS.0000000000001099, Smith-Ryan A, Trexler ET, Wingfield H, Blue MNM. Which one should you focus on if you're trying to lose weight and get fit? One 1994 study at Laval University in Quebec, Canada, found HIIT was nine times more effective for losing fat than steady-state cardio. The biggest distinction between steady-state cardio and HIIT is the intensity and duration. Because you're putting less stress on your heart and body, you recover more quickly and can usually work out the next day without a problem.. From a fat loss and muscle building perspective, HIIT also takes the lead with this one. Let's start by breaking down the benefits, problems and the overall limitations you will face with both running and HIIT training. Skeletal muscle fiber type: Influence on contractile and metabolic properties. The results showed that the HIIT group achieved similar levels of fat loss to the LISS group, in half the amount of time. You might use it to increase performance or train for a sport. Topics: Doing only steady-state cardio workouts without changing things up could lead to a plateau. As mentioned, HIIT vastly improves insulin resistance. HIIT training can help lower blood pressure and improve your heart health., Because you're working very hard, you get the benefits of training in less time than you would from slower, longer workout sessions. In terms of exercise, that means your HIIT can help your exercising muscles use glucose for fuel more efficiently.. So the debate of slow cardio versus fast cardio for fat loss really comes down to your individual goals and how much you are dedicated to health and fitness. Steady-state or moderate-intensity cardio is what many of us are used to. The final most important distinction to make is the type of muscles each of them uses. Steady-state cardio also lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and anxiety and, along with a healthy diet, can help you Learn everything you need to use low intensity cardio for faster fat loss, better health, and superior fitness. There is a lot of hype about HIIT cardio, mainly because it supposedly burns more calories in less time. These workouts involve changing intensity—working harder for certain intervals—throughout the workout. HIIT training has been proven time and time again to not only burn huge amounts of stubborn unwanted body fat but continues to do so well after your workout is over. You alternate work and rest intervals for 20 to 60 minutes total, depending on your fitness level, time constraints, and goals. When you're doing HIIT cardio, you shouldn't be able to hold a conversation. Cardio trainings allow you to burn more calories, which will help you lose fat if you're in a caloric deficit. 2016;34(21):2038-2046. doi:10.1080/02640414.2016.1149609, Ito S. High-intensity interval training for health benefits and care of cardiac diseases - The key to an efficient exercise protocol. Staying at that level allows you to save glycogen stores for higher intensity workouts. That doesn't necessarily mean you burn more fat, just that your body is better at using fat for fuel. 2015;1(5):134-139. doi:10.15406/mojap.2015.01.00027, Greer BK, Sirithienthad P, Moffatt RJ, Marcello RT, Panton LB. High-intensity exercises like sprints, plyometrics, and jumps come with a risk of injury if your body isn't prepared for that kind of movement. The saying 'no pain no gain' rings very true for HIIT cardio. Let's look at HIIT cardio in greater detail and see how it holds up to regular steady-state cardio while analyzing if it is better for fat loss than steady-state. The Goldilocks Zone for exercise: Not too little, not too much. Slow cardio is like the landlord from the Big Lebowski, while fast cardio is like the landlord from Coming to America. The following workout involves a variety of high intensity, high impact cardio exercises (modify jumping movement to low impact if you need to) and a 1:1 work to rest ratio. So these workouts are tough. Another important distinction is that HIIT cardio is mainly an anaerobic activity. As an individual finds themselves deeper into a contest-prep diet, motivation can drop and individual recovery abilities come into play, so adding more HIIT sessions is often not the most optimal approach. Spice Up Your Elliptical Workout With These Short, Intense Intervals, Ramp it Up With this Interval Training Workout for Beginners. In a perfect world, your exercise routine would include a mixture of both steady-state and HIIT. Even if you’re new to the world of health and fitness, you’re likely already familiar with high intensity interval training (HIIT) and cardiovascular exercise, commonly called cardio. She also created her own online training program, the TL Method. Celebrity fitness trainer Jillian Michaels described cardio as the least efficient form of exercise for weight loss "because it is not metabolic, meaning it doesn't cause the body to continue to burn calories post workout". It's much more comfortable to work at a lower level of intensity than it is higher intensity. Let's find out. That sounds great, but is HIIT really better than steady-state cardio? Today, most people believe that HIIT is the way to go and ditch steady state cardio altogether. BURN FAT For example, Tabata workouts involve working very hard for 20 seconds with only 10 seconds of recovery time. You repeat that for a total of just four minutes, as in this cardio Tabata workout. reduce body fat considerably in a short time. 2015;29(10):2888-93. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000000939, Ferretti G, Fagoni N, Taboni A, Bruseghini P, Vinetti G. The physiology of submaximal exercise: The steady state concept. Right now HIIT (High Intensity Interval Traning) is more popular for fat loss than LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) cardio.LISS was used for decades… Then HIIT really caught on in the late 90s. Both LISS and HIIT can play super important rules in your fitness journey! Why You Should Add Cardio to Your Workout Routine, The 10 Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes Made By Men, How to Use Target Heart Rate Zones for Exercise, Metabolic Conditioning for the Ultimate Calorie Burn, high intensity, high impact cardio exercises, Validity of session rating perceived exertion method for quantifying internal training load during high-intensity functional training, The effects of high intensity interval training vs steady state training on aerobic and anaerobic capacity, High intensity interval training vs moderate intensity continuous training in the management of metabolic type disease, EPOC comparison between isocaloric bouts of steady-state aerobic, intermittent aerobic, and resistance training, High-intensity intermittent exercise and fat loss. 2019;11(7):171-188. doi:10.4330/wjc.v11.i7.171. ), circuit training More on that in a moment.) Each work set is followed by a recovery period which can be shorter, the same duration, or longer than the work set. It also places greater recovery demands Can you slash a 20-minute jogging session into a 3-minute session of jumping jacks to have the same results? If you are already relatively fit and are a busy individual, HIIT cardio is perfect. Ⓒ 2021 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved, Paige Waehner is a certified personal trainer, author of the "Guide to Become a Personal Trainer"; and co-author of "The Buzz on Exercise & Fitness.". This is also called post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) or afterburn. The harder you work during your workout, the longer it takes your body to get back to normal, meaning you'll burn more calories for an hour or more after your workout. This article takes a deeper look into the science behind the debate. Because you're working at a lower intensity, you can improve your endurance without putting as much stress on the heart and body as higher intensity exercise. Steady-state cardio also lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and anxiety and, along with a healthy diet, can help you lose weight. So, if this is your goal, then HIIT cardio kills two birds with one stone (by losing fat and building muscle at the same time). This also means that you will feel tired more quickly because anaerobic exercise releases a lot of lactic acids (a waste product of anaerobic energy release mechanism). The energy release is moderate, steady over a long duration. HIIT is great for fat loss but it’s not all rainbow butterflies and puppy dog kisses, there are some negatives as well. You need to challenge your body with new and different activities so it can constantly change and grow stronger. One study found that over a period of 20 weeks, trainees performing HIIT cardio burned up to 9 times more fat than the group doing the regular low intensity variation. Numerous studies have shown HIIT to be superior to steady state cardio for maximizing lean mass and fat loss. 2015;14(4):747-755. Right now, low intensity cardio is unfashionable, while HIIT is all the rage in the fitness world. Get exercise tips to make your workouts less work and more fun. ACSM Health Fitness J. J Sports Sci. High-intensity intermittent exercise and fat loss. When taking a look at the long term effects of HIIT cardio versus slow paced cardio, the differences are definitely noteworthy. Doing the same motions over and over can lead to repetitive stress injuries unless you do plenty of cross-training. Steady-state or LISS (low-intensity steady state) cardio is aerobic. HIIT workouts can be set up in a variety of ways. Regular HIIT workouts also improve your ability to withstand the rigors of other types of interval training, adds Mike. Liss is the most efficient way of burning fat while preserving lean muscle tissue, this is important for three reasons. Another 2011 study concluded that not only does HIIT cardio reduce body fat considerably in a short time, but it is also even more effective for diabetic individuals. It is especially beneficial for diabetics because HIIT seems to significantly improve insulin resistance by as much as 36%. Instant access to FREE resources that have helped millions of people jump higher, run faster, get stronger, eat smarter and play better. High intensity cardio is actually far superior and more effective for fat loss than low intensity cardio for several reasons.. High Intensity Interval Training Cardio, refers to the type of cardio done with very short duration, but very high intensity. Research shows that HIIT may be more effective at reducing abdominal fat than other types of exercise. Less stress on the cardiorespiratory system. Numerous studies have shown HIIT to be superior to steady state cardio for maximizing lean mass and fat loss. 2004;2(10):e348. HIIT cardio relies more on your fast-twitch muscles. HIIT involves pushing your body well out of its comfort zone for anywhere from five seconds to eight minutes, depending on the workout you're doing. Using HIIT cardio in the beginning helps to save time whilst maximising the metabolic and fat loss benefits of this style of cardio. You should have a basic foundation of cardio training before trying HIIT. Related: Lose Stubborn Thigh Fat . Hiit Or Steady State Cardio For Weight Loss Hiit Cardio. Verywell Fit's content is for informational and educational purposes only. This means that it relies on oxygen to release energy. Once upon a time, steady-state training was the norm. Time Limitations. Like HIIT, steady-state cardio makes your heart more efficient, getting oxygen to the muscles more quickly. They are extremely physically intense. These shorter, more intense workouts can give you more results in less time. But, keep in mind that this doesn’t mean that LISS is useless. Tara Laferrara is a certified NASM personal trainer, yoga teacher, and fitness coach. Slow-twitch muscles are a lot leaner than fast-twitch muscles, which is why sprinters look a lot more muscular than long-distance runners. You can also do workouts with a longer work interval, such as high-intensity work for 40 seconds and recovery for 20 seconds, as in this 40-20 high-intensity interval workout. Less Stress on the Cardiorespiratory System. That means work sets and rest sets are the same duration. Join STACK and gain instant FREE access to resources that have helped millions of people jump higher, run faster, get stronger, eat smarter and play better. Check out our two-week clean-eating plan to kick-start your fat loss and give you the right fuel to crush your workouts, be they HIIT, weightlifting, cardio, or anything in between. Not everyone feels like doing sprints as part of their workout especially once you get above the age of 30. This theory is completely wrong; if you know to approach things then you can achieve weight loss in the smartest way possible. In one study, a group of 43 women (18-22 years) were split into groups—one who did HIIT, another doing LISS for several weeks and a third control group who did no exercise. Not everyone is cut out for long, slow workouts, especially if the weather is bad and you have to get on a treadmill, stationary bike, or other cardio machine. More on that in a moment.) One of the best benefits of HIIT is how many calories your body burns after your workout to get your system back to where it was before you exercised. Many research studies have been conducted on this topic in the last decade. In 2011 he published quite an extensive literature review which focused on the effects of HIIT on fat loss, insulin resistance, fitness, and skeletal muscle tissue. However, if you feel dizzy or like you can't catch your breath, take longer breaks. 2018;10(3). Even if you’re new to the world of health and fitness, you’re likely already familiar with high intensity interval training (HIIT) and cardiovascular exercise, commonly called cardio. Can you actually enjoy your workouts if you're working at such a high intensity? Is Intense Exercise the Best Way to Get Fit? Just like dietary guidelines, fitness fads come and go. You can do a running routine with sprint intervals, skipping routine or incorporate other compound movements. O'Keefe JH, O'Keefe EL, Lavie CJ. With steady-state cardio, you use only about 50-60% of your maximum heart rate for at least 45 minutes. 2018;115(2):98-105. HIIT vs Steady State Cardio: Cardio for Weight Loss vs Cardio for Maintenance. Steady-state training also has plenty of benefits for your body. Part of the reason we stick with exercise is that, on some level, we like it, or at least we can tolerate it. First off, its hard work. Try PHA Training to Burn Fat and Calories, The Truth About Your Fat-Burning Zone for Weight Loss, Improving High-Intensity Endurance With Lactate Threshold Training. A good place to begin looking at the benefits of HIIT is the work of Stephen H. Boutcher. Can you slash a 20-minute jogging session into a 3-minute session of Jumping Jacks and get the same results? They just know that when a client wants to lose fat fast, HIIT is one of the best tools. High-Intensity Interval Training: How Much Is Too Much? Another benefit of HIIT? So, should you do HIIT cardio? Also keep in mind that if you are inexperienced or elderly, it’s probably best to stay away from HIIT as it … I know that’s not the best way to start a fitness article. Tibana RA, De Sousa NMF, Cunha GV, et al. J Obesity. I’ve seen so many people hit weight loss plateaus who to refuse to An example of hiit cardio could be hopping on a stationary bike at the gym, peddling as fast as you can for 15 seconds, then resting for 60 seconds.
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