note: If your partner is still alive, then they will meet you here. Be warned: it will use its Running animation a lot more often. With only thirty seconds to go before the mansion explodes (if your partner survived), Brad will throw a Rocket Launcher to you. In diesem Raum findet man an den Wänden den Angelhaken, den Bienenköder und das Bienenpräperat. This place is crawling with a new kind of Zombie, they are slow but if they catch you they will inflict massive damage, use your Shotgun to shoot them. Collect the clips and go back to talk to Barry. This complete Walkthrough guides you through every step and location of Resident Evil HD Remaster. Barry will meet you (Jill only) and give you some bazooka ammo. Put the Battery in the hole and go up the lift. Through the door is a storage room. The opposite door is blocked by a spiders web so collect the Knife in corner to cut through it (or use Chris`s Flamethrower). Chris Redfield enlists the help of Leon S. Kennedy and Rebecca Chambers to stop a death merchant, with a vengeance, from spreading a deadly virus in New York. Exit through the other door. Exit out of the door you came through and turn right to find the '002' door. The Red door at the end of the corridor contains 2 spiders, a clip and a save ribbon. Resident Evil Portable was the working title of a video game slated for the PlayStation Portable. Go through the door past the statue. If you want the ultimate ending then you MUST go through the door on the left to meet him otherwise you will find him later by the ladder, dying (where he will give you a picture of his family). Just found it. Keep running around the Helipad and shooting at it. The first Zombie is easy the kill, the second is a bit trickier. Down the ladder are some boxes, push them into the water to make a bridge. CHRIS-If you said 'Yes' to Rebecca when she offered to help then Chris will be grabbed by the plant and Rebecca will appear. Take this key back to the '003' and open it. If your friends are still alive, they will enter through the elevator moments before the Tyrant arrives... through the floor. Inside the next door you'll find Richard, he's been attacked by a giant snake and needs the serum. 114 Resident Evil HD Wallpapers and Background Images. On the right is a lift but it needs to be turned on first, go in the opposite direction, into Factory Room 1. Turn right and run through the water until you see 2 doors, head towards the left-hand door. Inside there is a zombie on the floor, you can either shoot him on the floor or have some fun and boot his head off (Chris crushes his head), collect the ribbon on the shelf and exit. Go through the door (avoiding the snakes). This next bit is tricky, but if you can control your character well then it shouldn't be a problem. Up the lift is a round pool, use the amulets on the holes and go down the steps and the ladder at the bottom. After a few shots it will fall down, but it isn't dead so aim down and blast it to make it stand up again and then shoot it some more. Save the game using the ribbon you found and then dump it in the chest. Man braucht dazu den Rüstungsschlüssel. Download for free on all your devices - Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet. Exit and on the immediate left will be a Zombie, kill him. Resident Evil. Exiting the lift you find another Zombie, kill him and turn right. In this room are 3 doors, one is the door to the Chemical room which is protected by a security lock (light all the lights to open the door), the next door is the '003' door which you need to find the key for later and the last door is a one way door of no importance yet.
Poesia Sulla Speranza Montale, Scusa Gazzelle Testo, Thainá Santos Amore E Capoeira, Vegas Jones Fratello, San Thomas Onomastico,
Poesia Sulla Speranza Montale, Scusa Gazzelle Testo, Thainá Santos Amore E Capoeira, Vegas Jones Fratello, San Thomas Onomastico,