Return and go left this time. Barry regrets shouting at Moira, knowing it was an accident, and believes it to be the catalyst for their poor relationship. If you do touch it, Barry gets 2 … Reposant sur la coopération des deux personnages vous allez devoir ouvrir des valves avec Natalia pour permettre à Barry de progresser. This will affect the ending seen at the end of the game: Moira will now be dead, having not overcome her fear of firearms (this ending is considered non-canon). Resident Evil Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The creature falls on top of Claire and Moira has to drag her out. The one thing to be careful about is when it shrieks, its about to run at you and try to grab you. Don’t miss it. An injured Claire tries to reach Moira, she is attacked by Neil but finds she dropped her handgun in the fall. Approach the Revenant from behind and break a second Crate . The workbench has been moved inside, and the old man is dead. Return and check the right side of the area for a document, Note on Corpse Disposal. This is the first time I’ve ever used it and had over 20 bullets. You’ll come across the Sewer Map so make sure to take it. Go up the ladder next to these to find a Crate. This episode marks the first physical appearance of an unmutated, Alex Wesker. Collectible locations (Kafka Drawings, Insect Larvae and Tower Emblems). You can toss the brick at them or go down with Barry and headshot them. The ones laying around don’t do anything, BUT there’s one that’s gonna crawl and try to bite you (its located in the large bunch). If you see it start spinning it, quickly stop shooting and make a run. Now we get to hear, at least a little bit, of why the resentment from Moira to Barry. Remembering his daughters at such a young age, Barry vows to save Natalia if it's too late for Moira. Have Natalia come to you and now you can move the power source to where it belongs. Cross it and you’ll find an Empty Bottle on one side and a Gimmick Box with Rare Parts Box on the other. ". IF it grabs you its game over so be extremely careful. Check the desk on the left to find Quarry Map . Along with Barry Burton, former S.T.A.R.S. You can see it from below though. First of all let go of the power source and take our your SVD. RE: Revelations 2 Guide. Now, as Natalia, grab the Green Herb from this circular catwalk and drop down both explosive containers. The girl open her eyes, revealing them to have turned into an unusual shade of red. Go outside, up the ladder and put the power source on the next conveyor belt. Use the workbench if needed and read the document Irina’s Last Words . You can also read the document The Old Man’s Journal . She slowly drags herself to the handgun, but can't move fast enough. That’s it for this room. The duo continue to look for Natalia outside of the Monument, but come up empty-handed. We’re greeted with a Tower Emblem on top of a house. Climb to the top to find a Gimmick Box with Rare Parts Box . DON’T use your Firebomb Bottles. Set between Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6 and six years after the original Resident Evil Revelations, Claire Redfield makes a comeback as one of the protagonists of Resident Evil Revelations 2. In this large room check the lower right corner to find Topaz . You got to do it one after the other to open the gate, which creates a loud sound but no enemies come. Barry threatens to kill Alex later, instead shooting at the ceiling to block the Revenants' attacks with debris. Now you can carry more ammo for your Assault Rifle. Go up the ladder this time and up here check the upper right corner to find an Alcohol . The two travel the waterway into an underground sewer. Listen to the conversation between them and move up the road. Go inside this room to find a Sparkle Item and Gunpowder . The duo make their way through an abandoned mine, with evidence suggesting Alex used it in her experimentations with the virus. Resident Evil: Revelations 2. Shoot it and collect the Rifle SVD from it. Do you see how it has a big red number 2 on it? Several Revenants appear and corner the duo. Neil's mutant form damages the elevator, and proceeds to climb the shaft intent on killing the two. In the present, the deformed woman is calling at Natalia; pointing at her maliciously while Barry reacts with confusion and fear. Resident Evil Revelations 2Mode: CountdownEpisode: 3 BarryA few notes about this video:- I didn't record this with the intent to show "the best run". That’s it for this area so proceed north up the stairs and up here you’ll hear some more growling, and you can see a Sparkle Item on the left behind the rubble. SHOOT DOWN this corpse which has a sniper rifle! There’s a hole we can crawl through so do so to get an Empty Bottle and a Crate . Getting this Ammo Case will net you a trophy. Before jumping down, from the bottom of the stairs look at the floor in front of you for a Sparkle Item . Dammit. Now go up the elevator and it just stops. Episode 3 - Judgement ... Download Game Guide PDF, ePUB & iBooks. There’s also a Green Herb and a Tower Emblem 8/11 . finds Neil's ID card; the Overseer tells the two over their bracelets that they must go through the Kierling and solve a puzzle in order to progress - Claire's recollection of Greek mythology helps them find what they were to look for as they require three parts of a replica liver in order to use on the large statue of the god Prometheus, which blocks the door needed to progress. As Barry, proceed to the open area, open up the Crate before going in and the afflicted will raise. member, his daughter Moira Burton and … Awesome! Resident Evil - Revelations 2 - Sammelbares-Guide: Episode 3: Judgment - Claire, Episode 3: Judgment - Barry, Episode 4: Metamorphosis - Claire, Episode 4: Metamorphosis - Barry. Il survival-horror di Capcom, sequel episodico di quel Revelations che tanto era stato osannato su 3DS, prosegue nel narrarci le vicende di Claire Redfield e Barry Burton, nomi ben noti a chi segue la saga fin dagli albori. It was released on March 10, 2015 in North America for PS3 and PS4 and March 11, 2015 in Europe and Japan for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4 and PC. Easy. She denounces his desire to continue the FBC general secretary Morgan Lansdale's work, and leaves him to his fate. Set between Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6 and six years after the original Resident Evil Revelations, Claire Redfield makes a comeback as one of the protagonists of Resident Evil Revelations 2. This one is hard to spot due to the similar colors. For Resident Evil: Revelations 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Barry' Sniper Rifle in Episode 3... missed it? Cross these gates and in this bushy area pick up a brick and toss it at the Insect Larvae 6/6 on the right side and proceed up the ledge. Place the power source where it goes and quickly kill the Revenant when it goes wild. Grab the Sparkle Item mentioned before and there will be 3 more afflicted at the end of the hall. La aventura de Claire, Moira, Barry y Natalia va acercándose a su final. Follow the path, jump across the gap and go down for a Crate . There are a ton of bricks nearby for you to use. There’s also a Glasp here, but you can use the fire extinguisher to create a smoke screen and be able to see it (kinda). Go down the stairs and go right to find Sapphire in the corner. Remove ads and unlock special features. Now open the locked door and take the power source to the top, onto the conveyor belt and grab the Empty Bottle that sits up here. Grab the Rifle Ammo and from here look south and up to see a corpse hanging. Crawl back out and have Barry take care of them. Lure the Afflicted and have Barry kill them before getting this box. The chapter comes bundled with the boxed retail version. Another hard to spot Larvae and hard to hit. Also jumping near the entrance is a good idea. Table of Contents. They enter a room where they find a document implicating Neil's involvement in the TerraSave abductions and the experiments - specifically his guest book for the party. Shoot it with your AK-7 while its on fire and use your sniper rifle. 0. The message on Moira's phone, which is found by Barry in the second half of the chapter reveals why Moira, when asked by Claire in episode 1 to obtain a weapon, she chooses to use a crowbar instead of a firearm. Now go up another ladder and read the document Generator Guide right next to the Green Herb . She also apologises to her father at the end, believing herself to be a bad daughter, something Barry disagrees with. Now go up the left side of the rubble (make sure to throw a brick up here) and destroy the Insect Larvae 4/6 among the rubble. Drop down the explosive container as well and use it with Barry to take out the afflicted nearby. Just outside it, near the boxes is a Sparkle Item . Kill it and open it up to find Expansion Bag (Barry) . An injured Claire tries to reach Moira, she is attacked by Neil but finds she dropped her handgun in the fall. Oh dear God. Resident Evil Revelations 2 questa settimana arriva al suo terzo e penultimo appuntamento. Last emblem can be collected only if you're watching the "good ending" (Moira killed Neil at the end of third episode).Then, after switching to Claire search for few stone blocks on the left side, at the top of the ridge - between them you will find the final emblem.. Before going up, continue along the sewer to find Odorous Chemical near the rubble. Looking at a monitor, Claire sees Neil have a meeting with Alex where the two confirm his involvement, Neil having believed his actions necessary for advancing the War on Terror with his friends' martyrdom. Thinking about what just happened, Barry accurately deduces that Alex -who Natalia also known as the Overseer- was responsible for Claire and Moira's experiences on the island six months prior. Use the valve once its safe and another Glasp appears near the Gimmick Box outside. Shoot it down from here and now have Natalia use the valve. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As they exit, they are confronted by Alex, who throws Barry off a ledge and begins strangling Natalia. Break the Crate and go up once again. Shoot the fire extinguishers to create smoke screens and kill the remaining afflicted. Follow Claire and Moira who have limited ammo and try to investigate the mysterious Tower while Barry and Natalia approach it in search of them. Grab the Alcohol and break the Crate on the left and jump over the obstacle on the right. Along with Barry Burton, former S.T.A.R.S. Grab the Topaz in the corner and go up the stairs. Man was this a long read. Break a second Crate , grab the Sparkle Item on the left side (other side of the bars) and a Cloth near the end of the room. You’ll see why in a second. Altro episodio e altra epopea per Claire, Barry e i loro compagni! It’s called the Dhurlga . They hear a recorded message, but are unable to understand it due to it being spoken in Russian. Now jump out the window on the left to find a Barrel , a Green Herb and a Sparkle Item . Back outside there will be 2 Revenants on the right side of the map. 2 pairs of heroes, 2 stories. dearen75 years ago#1. This is an excellect opportunity to use your Python too. If you didn’t then you’ll have to replay the whole chapter. Shoot the weak spot with your Assault Rifle and move as far away as possible and use your SVD to snipe it. Run past this building and you’ll see another one with a workbench in it. She breaks free from Alex's grasp and the woman screams in agony at the sight of Natalia. Now have Natalia follow the path and at the end of the pipe road you’ll find a Sparkle Item right next to an afflicted’s head. Game Guide. You’ll have to shoot the wooden thing that block Natalia’s path so do so and use the valve. Why not join us today? Take out the throwing enemy as fast as possible then locate the Revenants weak spot and take it down while you evade Dhurlga. As you reach the bottom, look to your right to find a Sparkle Item near a beam. You won’t be killing it but you need to wear it down as much as you can. Break the Crate along the bridge and when you get to the edge you’ll be able to see Tower Emblem 11/11 on top of the tower to the south. The second is on the lower level (run towards the right path and it'll be between you and the door). Moira's mobile phone is found on his desk, containing messages for Kathy, Polly and Barry, expressing her love for them. Episode 3: Open all the sluice gates, so Barry can get the AK and a part. We can now carry more Rifle Ammo! Barry then asks her where Moira is, to which Alex tells him that she buried Moira and the rest of the survivors beneath a mountain. Break the Crate x3 around the area and check up the lower left corner area for a Ruby . Proceed through the double doors. When you reach the other side, spot another Sparkle Item down here and one in front of you (on Natalia’s level). With the Prometheus statue complete, it explodes and finally allows entry into what is revealed to be a wine storage building. You know what to do. Take care of them, grab the Sparkle Item near the Crates and proceed through the door. Up here you can find a Cloth and a Sparkle Item x2 : one behind the Barrels and one as you exit the small alcove.
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