Trailer Lie to Me (2009), durata trailer 0m33s. Inspired by a real-life behavioral scientist, this FOX drama tells the tale of a deception expert who helps uncover the truth for the FBI, local police, law firms, corporations, and individuals. Zoals nieuwe afleveringen of de start van een nieuw seizoen. Lie To Me é uma série de TV de Sam Baum com Tim Roth (Cal Lightman), Kelli Williams (Gillian Foster). 1-13 of 13 Videos See also. Digital Underground. Lie to Me Trailer Show Details Inspired by a real-life behavioral scientist, this FOX drama tells the tale of a deception expert who helps uncover the truth for the FBI, local police, law … Schaue dir alle 3 Videos jetzt an! Geplaatst op 24 januari 2014, 08:19. Trailer del film Lie To Me (2009) un film di Adam Davidson (II) con Brendan Hines, Monica Raymund, Tim Roth, Kelli Williams. Tim Roth plays Cal Lightman who runs a private company that is contracted by law enforcement agencies for his services. Dr. Lightman is convinced that one of his former protégé's students is a sociopath connected to a woman's disappearance, but everyone else is skeptical. A Perfect Score 7.7 4 Feb. 2009 4. 48:39. Van het laatste nieuws en recensies tot een overzicht van afleveringen. Gebruikersnaam/wachtwoord komen niet overeen. Trefwoorden: lie, deception, criminal investigation, lie detection, forensic psychology, criminal consultant, police procedural; Lie to Me Trailer. Created by Samuel Baum. Lie To Me: Awards Show Clip. The trailer for Lie to Me TV Series. Lie to Me Behind The Scenes Saison 1. Hier vind je alle afleveringen van de serie Lie to Me. Get a taste of what's in store in the brand new series of the hit US medical drama. 2009 7. 1:09. Photo Gallery. The Nanny. Trailer (7) Clip (6) Refine By Provider. Aan het hoofd van dit groepje menselijke leugendetectoren staat Cal Lightman, een rol die goed uitgespeeld wordt door Tim Roth. 0:15. When the show Lie to Me came out on television, I was really intrigued with the show. Watch it here. Related Videos Body of Proof: Season 3 Trailer. Love Always 7.8 18 Feb. 2009 5. Lie To Me Season 1 Episode 2 - Moral Waiver. Zoek je een nieuwe serie? Add Lie to Me to your watchlist to track it and find more TV shows like it! Lie to Me è una serie televisiva statunitense prodotta dal 2009 al 2011.. Realizzata dagli stessi produttori di 24, la serie vede protagonista Tim Roth nei panni di Cal Lightman, uno psicologo esperto della comunicazione non verbale ed infallibile nel capire quando una persona non dice la verità, il quale mette questa sua conoscenza al servizio della giustizia. With Tim Roth, Kelli Williams, Brendan Hines, Monica Raymund. We merken dat onze advertenties niet worden weergeven, waarschijnlijk omdat je AdBlock, Ghostery of andere software gebruikt. Watch this Lie to Me video, Lie to me - Trailer/Promo - 8/2/10 - Headlock - FOX , on Fanpop and browse other Lie to Me videos. Internet Video Archive (11) Screenplay (2) Refine By Top Names. Je moet ingelogd zijn om reacties te kunnen plaatsen. is always updated with hand picked, video trailers for TV shows. Lie To Me. Lie To Me: The Complete Second Season. We hebben alle informatie over jouw favoriete tv-series. Dr. Cal Lightman and his team are effectively human polygraph machines, and no truth can be concealed from them. Moral Waiver 7.6 28 Jan. 2009 3. Wondering which series to pick up next? 2009 6. Hier staan zowel de uitgezonden afleveringen als de komende aflevering. About Cal Lightman, the world's leading deception expert who studies facial expressions and involuntary body language to expose the truth behind the lies. I enjoyed his performances on the show. The Nanny S01E02 Smoke Gets In Your Lies. SeriesAddict. Geef per serie aan waarvan je op de hoogte gehouden wilt worden. 1; 2; 3; 1. Refine By Type. Lie to Me - Trailer over de serie Lie to Me. Big Little Lies - Trailer Saison 1. Zoals nieuwe afleveringen of de start van een nieuw seizoen. The Best Policy 7.7 18 Mar. Unchained 7.9 4 Mar. Navigând în continuare, vă exprimați acordul asupra folosirii cookie-urilor. Dat vinden we jammer, hiermee ontneem je MijnSerie in essentie inkomsten die we hard nodig hebben. 55:27. Watch this Lie to Me video, Lie to me - Trailer/Promo - 8/2/10 - Headlock - لومڑی , on Fanpop and browse other Lie to Me videos. 24:22. Help ons door MijnSerie te whitelisten of. ... Teaser Trailer. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events Lie to Me is an American crime drama television series that premiered on the Fox network on January 21, 2009. Lie to Me Online Kijken. Trending. Easily check out the new / top / hottest TV series today or just look up specific TV trailer. Ontdek series. Watch LIE TO ME - Trailer Promo - octopusmike on Dailymotion. Tim Roth plays his character very well. With Tim Roth, Kelli Williams, Brendan Hines, Monica Raymund. Lie to Me (stylized as Lie to me*) is an American crime drama television series.It originally ran on the Fox network from January 21, 2009, to January 31, 2011. Sherlock Holmes. Do No Harm 7.8 11 Mar. American Horror Story - Promo saison 1 "Lying Down" SeriesAddict. TV-gids. En anders helpt de community van 325.000 leden je graag. And, it was shown on FOX. Lie To Me: Season One. Lie to Me is een Amerikaanse misdaadserie van de zender FOX. Lie to Me - Trailer. Tweet; Duration: 00:45. 0:54. LIE TO ME - Trailer Promo. 2:00. 2009 8. Acest site folosește cookie-uri. Related Pages: Episode List Photos. Trending Digital Underground. Er zit vast eentje tussen de meer dan 18.000 series op MijnSerie. We merken dat onze advertenties niet worden weergeven, waarschijnlijk omdat je AdBlock, Ghostery of andere software gebruikt. 52:21. Duration: 00:47. Lie to Me (Lie to Me*) is een Amerikaanse televisieserie van televisiezender FOX die daar … Trailer for this drama that uses people's faces against them Vergelijkbaar met CSI, maar dan met emotionele reacties (of het uitblijven daarvan) in plaats van forensisch materiaal. Directed by Vahan Moosekian. Encontre todos os detalhes para as 3 temporadas e 48 episódios, bem como notícias e … Zoek je een nieuwe serie? De serie ging in première op 21 januari 2009. Lie To Me Trailer. Just check out the top trailers charts in here! Meanwhile, Torres and Loker help a high school teacher who thinks he saw an UFO. Lie to Me gaat over Dr. Cal Lightman, gespeeld door de bekende Tim Roth, die in de serie de rol van een levende leugendetector op zich neemt. Lie to Me lasted 3 seasons. Pilot 8.2 21 Jan. 2009 2. SeriesAddict. Season. Geef per serie aan waarvan je op de hoogte gehouden wilt worden. He sees the truth, by reading their faces. Lie to Me Trailer & Teaser, Interviews, Clips und mehr Videos auf Deutsch und im Original. Lie To Me Season 1 Episode 2 - Moral Waiver. Lie to me gaat over cases die opgelost worden door een team leugenanalisten. Geen streaming opties gevonden. Big Little Lies - saison 1 Bande-annonce 2 VO. Trailer for Lie To Me: The Complete Second Season. Bandes Annonces Cinéma. The Librarians 2x03 Promo Season 2 Episode 3 Promo “And What Lies Beneath the Stones” Lie to Me (2009–2011) Episode Guide. Lie to Me is een Misdaad televisie serie met in totaal 3 seizoenen en 48 afleveringen om te streamen en downloaden. The series follows Dr. Cal Lightman and his colleagues at The Lightman Group, as they solve crimes using applied psychology by interpreting microexpressions (through the Facial Action Coding System) and body language.On May 11, 2011, Fox canceled Lie to Me after three seasons.
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