And more proof was that the door had been locked from the inside. That means Kizaru kicked down roughly 1,944,992,042.3968 m^3 of trees down with a single kick, meaning just the tree part alone would be roughly 972,496,021,198.4 kg of mass knocked down at Lightspeed. Elderly Whitebeards power level in base would be at least 640, over 780 with Armament Haki and up to 827 with Armament Haki and Awakening. Let’s wait until we do Whitebeard’s feats next before that. Such as cutting people hearts out while they’re still alive ~~~~~ Fanon Kid: Is an asshole Canon Kid: Is an asshole The Caspian Sea spreads out over nearly 750 miles (1,200 km) from north to south, with an average width of 200 miles (320 km). (BTW FUCK THE EU, THEY SHOULD FLOOD FOR PASSING ARTICLE 13). GO ON YOU BASTARDSS!!! He also wields a bisento called Murakumogiri, which is a supreme grade blade. Got invited to fun food conventions where you basically walk around the convention center and eat free samples and rate the samples. As esbtlasihed, the depth we’re going for is akin to the Pacific Ocean which an average depth of 13,215 feet (4,028 meters). Kill him for me!!" I’m currently nearly done with the Whole Cake Arc so I’m getting close to having all update information to do a One Piece thread on Luffy but for now Whitebeard.I’m going to take a break from politics and post some calcs for the week unless that’s breaking news to report on. This especially would scale to Blackbeard’s potential End of Series and what we ought to expect from this point. Landon moved around the entire room and the wooden floor on this particular area squeaked differently. In terms of raw psychical power, it puts him roughly on the same tier as Toreni and Kinhsiki, Kinshiki who’s basically stated to casually crack the whole planet in half(Which Whitebeard at his prime was said to be capable of as well and we calced Tornei’s Moonbusting feat to be roughly Large Planet level like a theroicall prime Whitebeard however it’s in the Ninatons making Tornei 1,000 times more powerful than Whitebread so there’s little chance he could go past Juubi Obito, especially in the speed department. I'm fine with "flawed characters" but whitebeard's actions go against everything we knew about him all for the sake of the plot. Notice his dialogue whenever he talks about Ace, and he often says he has a special spot for such reckless fools. So they resorted to claiming 70% of the islands for their hidden operations and bases. Woodward. Hey Whitebeard. 972,496,021,198.4 kgx299,792,458 m/s ^2/2, 4.37017917676506e+28 joule = 10 444 978 912 000 megaton [explosive]. As shown in the final image, Rayleigh wouldn’t even have to swing 90 degrees in order to hit Kizaru before he passed by. Mareinford Island Height: 534px(1,331 meters). The Lifting Energy and velocity is shown by Whitebeard is more than 1.5 Times the mass of Jupiter being carried at 1 g or 9.81 m/s. 0. "Kill him! Contact: Dragon Ball versus tier list Finale: Dragonball Super – Fu-reiji's Blog. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Rayleigh’s arm-length is .814m scaling to his height. So the height of the Dressora Cliff Plateau are over 1.28 times the size of Mount Everest with the debris ball easily 1.09 times larger than Mount Everest. The rulers allowed them to develop, but not to get too strong. the Admirals to an extended scale to him but barely. )[, which is noted to be rather large [6], especially compared to most other towns and cities in the world. Keep in mind water from a water Jet at Mach 3 or the speed of a Jetfighter could do this to an Anvil with merely an mm of water Image ocean water 4km high moving at 4km/sec. Mass of Water:51,888,000,000,000 or 5.1×10^13kg or roughly 16,114,285,714,285.71 Gallons of water, Mind you this is merely one of the mega Tusnamis within Marineford, the volume of water is enough to equal the amount of rainfall caused by Hurricane Florence very recently within the Caronilas with 16 Trillion Gallons of water, The velocity of the wave is 4,030 Meters per second given these waves formed near instantousely to each other going by the manga panels, Adding this, you get roughly 8.427078192e+20 Newtons of energy from this tidal wave but it doesn’t end there either, Time fo distance between sea level and height wave, Overall Force of the Tidal Wave :3.168581400192e+24 joule = 757 309 130.07 megaton [explosive] or 757.309 Teratons of TNT (Large Country level+), Yep and keep in mind this is Whitebeard sick and elderly, the destructive force and speed of this ungodly sized Tusnamis would decimate entire seaboards across the world if they impact anything, spreading hundreds of Miles Inland. This is an easy Class P lifting strength feat. So EoS Moon Level Strawhats with Lightspeed to FTL reactions don’t sound as outlandish considering you would need to be at least Muilt Continental level+ to Moon Level+ and bare minimum Relativistic speed. He shattered the door and slowly walked in and quickly looked around it carefully. Hey there, here to make a calc on the Legendary Badass Pirate Whitebeard with his legendary feat, the Island Titl calc. Yet not only did she get tagged by Lightning and beaten by it. Yeah, that’s how much water Whitebeard manpuaitled, enough to submerge every coastal city in North American under 6.5 Meters of seawater. Whitebeard is known to be the strongest pirate in the world and is also closer to "One Piece" than any other pirate has come. Boomstick: Whitebeard is a titan on the battlefield, both literally and figuratively. Forum Posts. All I’m trying to say is that Whitebeard is being further developed as a character than just the legend we have heard in passing throughout the story, and not only do I think that is fine, I think it is amazing. Going by the energy produced by Whitebeard’s tilt, Whitebeard has an upwards lifting strength of up to 2.9219075447e+27 meter kilogram-force which is a Class Y feat. A hundred years wasn't too late for someone to get revenge. His bounty is 5,000,000,000+ berries. Going by the Tsunami model here, a 3 meter uplift of ground about 10 meters wide and 600 miles ( 965.6064 Kilometers )wide generated an Tsunami roughly up to 30 meters high so displacement energy is roughly 10 times that of the fissure underwater to generate that Tusnami, let’s go with that to see what generated this Tsunami and just how much was uplifted. So without a doubt, their plans had been shared with the temple since they were allies. Now for Mass and the power. And even if they switched, no one powerful will take them in because no one trusts snitches. Considering the speed of continental shift 1cm a year, it’s barely any velocity worth factoring here. Pretty much anyone below the Sapprrgian 12 and EoS Fairy Tail main cast/Four Gods of Isghal or people on par with Laxus,Erza or Gidlarts would not slow down Whitebeard in the slightest. Mangroove Tree Width and Length: 135px( 580.5 meters). Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Pretty mindblowing right. All from a Tsunami which generated roughly e was estimated at 1.1×1017 joules, or 26 megatons of TNT. The project I'm working on is about leadership in fandom communities. So yeah when you combine the Marineford Island itself which is massive enough, ,combine with the vast ocean water that he’s lifting which is a mind-blowing 65 Quadrillion Gallons and the fact he’s moving oceanic crust at the same time, that would give Whitebeard a pretty solid Class P within Lifting Strength alone, which is just utter insanity. 4.93353 Square Kilometers-0.980139 Sk Km or 242.2 Acres, Area of Marineford Island:3.95 Square Kilometers. It covers a region of around 149,200 square miles (386,400 square km)— bigger than the region of Japan. Average plate = 510,072,000 / 8 = 63,759,000 km2, Mass of an “average” continental plate: Average thickness of continental crust = 40 km, Mass of continental crustal portion of the plate. He ended his era of piracy and started a new one. It is mostly home to the families of the Marines stationed at Marineford. The bastard wasn't in the closet, on the ceiling, under the bed, on the balcony, or within any other visible parts. Going by the angle of the tit, it’s being ti, it’s being titled by 30 degrees. And as he ran, he kept pushing people away while printing towards Landon in panic. Now for the Tsunami Rings themselves and the energy generated by it. Large Hill/ Small City Level : 180 to 210, Smalll Mountain/ Medium City level: 210 to 250, Large Mountain/Small Island level: 270 to 300, Himalaya Size Mountain/ Island Level: Power level 300 to 330, Muilt Mountain level/ Large Island level: Power level 330 to 360, Small Mountain range/ Small Country Level: Power level 360 to 400, Mountain Range/Country Level: Power level 400 to 430, Large Mountain Range/ Large Country level: Power level 430 to 460, Muilt Continent level: Power level 500 to 600, Muilt Continent level+: Power level 600 to 700, Small Planet Level: Power level 800 to 1,000, Small Planet Level+: Power level 1,000 to 2,000, Planet Level(Low-end planet busting): Power level 2,000 to 10,000, Elderly Whitebeard’s Maximum attack Potency: 684.8 Exatons of TNT( Small Planet level+). Blood lusted kizaru is a potentially terrifying thought. That’s enough water to cover North America in over 21 feet of water or 6.5 Meters. Many people wanted his death so that they could take his place and gain wealth from tge pirate organization. These pirates only retreated because they were now way less in number than Lucia's team. The Lifting Energy and velocity is shown by Whitebeard is more than 1.5 Times the … Did it look like they still had hope against this diabolical monster? In fact, at 3.76km high, the massive tidal wave generated by Whitebread would reach up to Theoretical Brandish’s Boobs at her 6.1km maximum height using Command t with the waves were 3 times larger than Marakov in Titan form and more than enough to completely overtake the Teneoru Tree, even the Mighty Pica himself pales in comparison to the Mega Tsunami of instant death. Marineford Bay Length:339px(1,367 meters or 1.367 Km), Marineford Bay Width:178px (717 meters or 0.717 meters), Marineford Bay Area:0.980139 Sk Km or 242.2 Arces, Marineford: 441px(2,583 Meters or 2.583 kilometers), Ocean Depth:389px(2,278.4 Meters or 2.28 Kilometers, Volume of Marineford Bay:2,233,148,700 m^3. Whitebeard ate the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows him to create and manipulate vibrations and tremors/quakes. As for the world, complete destruction of the world, everything within the orange range is essentially desotryed by a massive impact of the Earthquake. Now I'm even more curious what happens if the wrong one makes it. They hadn't even displayed their skills before they were taken out. Needless to say it’s more than enough to make Marakov’s Super Titan Tidal Wave kick seem like a splash at the kiddy pool. Funny enough, the temple was actually weak at that time. And this is likely a 10% Kizaru, if Kizaru went 100%, he would be at least Moon Level+ in attack Potency and might actually be a potential Moonbuster given it takes Light only 1.3 Seconds to reach the moon. So if “Fodder” characters like Chinajo were Muit Contitneital level at their prime and reduced to merely Small Country level+ by old age and crippling injury, imagine how much stronger Prime Whitebeard is. As expected, his primary target was Whitebeard. Frist the kinetic energy of the Tidal Wave itself, just how immensely powerful this wave is. Whitebeard’s Power and Power of OP Top Tiers, How strong is DB/Z/S? As for his reputation, who would know about it if he didn't say anything? But some stupid temple named the Temple of Dragmus betrayed them. Whitebeard: His destructive ability alone, and the effect of his AoE is more impressive than Fujitora's, along with being superior in terms of raw power, endurance, and durability. The range of these massive Tusnamis that are over 3.76km high moving at 4,030 meters per second and it’s destructive effects on the entire world. No se... siento pena por los elfos inocentes. An Ice conitntent comparable to steel in density. Who could triple his already massive tenfold Power boost within Gear Fourth. Going by the energy produced by Whitebeard’s tilt, Whitebeard has an upwards lifting strength of up to 2.9219075447e+27 meter kilogram-force which is a Class Y feat. Now image Whitebeard moving the mass of over 3 Caspian Sea’s, that’s how much water he bent within merely 100 square Kilometers in a depth over 4km deep. Merely a 300-foot Tsunami would apyoltic in itself, try a Tsunami that is well over 2 miles high coming at you at speeds nearly 4 times faster than the fastest Fighter Jet in the world. Wiki Points. Whitebeard accidentally fell but didn't feel the pain at all. BTW this isn’t the end all be all for One Piece powerscaling for we’ve not done with the series and there’s likely a class of characters far beyond what was shown within the current One Peice showings by far. Change ). Radar satellites recorded the heights of tsunami waves in deep water: maximum height was at 60 centimetres (2 ft) two hours after the earthquake. If even their Captain succumbed to defeat, then who were they? People started jumping down from the sails in the air, while others rushed towards him like crazy. Kill him for me!!" Now to calculate how it would be like if Prime Whitebeard were to move every single continental plate in the world at once with the same speed and power he shown within Marineford. 0. ( Log Out / Given the HST’s track record of having Ywach and Kaguya who elevated Naruto and Bleach from being barely above Sayain Saga DBZ level to around Mid Tier Cell Saga. ( Log Out / News Publishing Yes, this is a mindblowing 304.517 Zettatons of TNT, enough to destory the planet over 5 times and that’s one plate, let’s now muplty this by 9 plates. The height of the sphere formation:941px(18,033.4 m). Or if you’re punched by 4,428,399.9913 Ivan Dragos or if everyone in the Population of Los Angelas became Ivan Drago and all punched you at once, that’s how much force is in this Tsunami per square inch. ( Log Out / Marineford HQ height and base:330px(1,331 meters), Marinford Length: 641px(2,583 Meters or 2.583 kilometers), Marineford Width:474px(1,910 meters or 1.91 Kilometers), Marinedford Depth/Height:57px(230 meters), Area of Marineford :4.93353 Sqaure Kilometers. 21 Tracks. Development. Going by scaling up to 100 times from baseline Large Planet level to 270 Yottatons or the GBE of Jupiter, Prime Whitebeard in Theory should be at least a power level of 45,550, this would make him comparable to the Ginyu Force, this is merely by power ,speed is a different story given the narrative has Kizaru as the fastest current character and until new speed feats that prove FTL speed exist, there’s nothing concerte of FTL movement. But the absolute best part was ALL THE FREE FOOD to eat there and take home. As seen from the map, there would be ltierally nothing left on the surface of the planet. There’s honestly no point of measuring White Beards other feats considering that the Attack Potency of Whitebread’s attacks is the same of his Island Tit, meaning if you’re punched by Whitebeard unless you’re a Logia or incredibly tough, you would be instantly killed in a Nanosecond. Still, the organization is huge, and already has a base in the continent of Morgany. the point he went from being effortlessly stomped by Gear Fourth Luffy. So one could imagine how huge the association was. I’ll use 75 degrees. by Jonathan Paugois . Going by the the speed of the fissure, Chiajno cracked the ice in 5seconds. As seen wityh Rayleigh, he’s able to interpcet Kizaru mid flight. I’ve heard my tale of bullshit from One Piece Wankers but this is one of the biggest wanked feats I’ve heard. This would easily dwarf any lifting strength feat done by any Naruto, Bleach or Fairy Tail character shown by far, needless to say, Whitebeard definitely can lift. Made by Bokoblin. So how could he be willing to die and let everything that he had suffered for slip away? So factoring all this power, it’s possible that Elderly Whitebeard is Small Planet Level with possible attack Potency of 684.8 Exatons of TNT. Now mupilty this by 9. Volume of continental lithospheric portion of plate: Mass of continental lithospheric portion of plate: Total estimated mass of a continental lithospheric plate: 7.01349 x 1021 + 3.3664752 x 1022. or forty sextillions, six hundred and seventy-eight quintillion, two hundred and forty quadrillion kilograms. Rayleigh’s Speed = 1.065526 / 1.72852914e-8 = 61643508.0753 M/S, or 0.2056206099597742 c (Relativistic) – The speed may be slightly higher, since Rayleigh did reduce the distance by leaping and leaning forward during this time-frame, but the difference is unknown, but definitely wouldn’t even touch Rel+. Whitebeard felt like he was slowly losing his mind just from thinking alone. So they still hadn't passed through some oceans and seas). The pirate organization had pirates from several known empires from different continents. If anything, it seems like Whitebeard showed favouritism to Roger, his equal. He has lost 7 fights though, so I suspect Kaido and Whitebeard were rivals and that Whitebeard defeated him. Landon dealt with all enemies on board the ship he was currently in, before slowly advancing towards Whitebeard's bedroom up the stairs. In deep ocean water, tsunami waves form only a low, broad hump, barely noticeable and harmless, which generally travels at a high speed of 500 to 1,000 km/h (310 to 620 mph); in shallow water near coastlines, a tsunami slows down to only tens of kilometres per hour but, in doing so, forms large destructive waves. This allows him to create large shockwaves through the air, and grab the air as if it were tangible and conjure large quakes. His appearance and actions only caused their fear for the enemy to grow even stronger. Going by the angle here, Kizaru took out 80% of the tree’s mass and volume having it collapse onto the ground. And with time, the pirate association was formed. Whitebeard seems to be a static and slow character considering his verse though slow in terms of combat speed as opposed to reactions, until One Peice gets better speed feats, it’s hard to say if he’s above Faster than light speeds like Bjuu Six Sages Mode Naruto, Sunasoo Six Sages Sasuke, Might Guy in 8th Gate, Juubi Madara and Kaguya as well as Tornei and the Ototsuki clan in Brouto. Kizaru = 70px – Distance from the Panel = 15.414m, Rayleigh = 40px – Distance from the Panel = 20.596m. I'm talking taking home 10 lbs of good food every night. This is from an Earthquake that was generated by an underground quake that produced 9.6 Teratons of TNT. Sajuin Wolf would be the best reference of the height of Marineford true size, being over 180 Meters high, he’s a massive beast who’s perfect for scale. And as he ran, he kept pushing people away while printing towards Landon in panic. A short spinoff talking about the life and times of Whitebeard and how he came to be the power he was before his end. Responsive, functional, and beautiful: our mindset when imagining your products. Whitebeard was an epic side character but his death had a huge impact to the story. Now to subtract the area of water from the area of Marineford Land. Kill him! Whitebeard gripped his beard tightly while watching his men fall in agony. Now for its Height. Whitebeard allowed his brother's people to be terrorized, tortured, experimented on, and killed for decades because Oda wrote it that way. However, the island is divided by the massive artificial bay that cuts about a good chunk of the island, let’s take into account the mass and volume of the bay. One Piece world:983px( 12,742 kilometres /7,918 mi). Combined Mass Whitebeard titled:2.11806867e+17 kg. Unless I missed something, we really know very little about WB before he showed up in the main series. Beiieve it or not Whitebeard isn’t that much slower than Kizaru nor are all the other Admrials. Bottom line, their faith was now closely tied with Whitebeard. Even though he travels in light speed when mobile, it should be noted that it takes a few seconds for him to actually go into light speed, as Silvers Rayleigh was able to stop his movement by slashing at him with his sword and Borsalino had to stop to counter him.
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