Well yes, I am relatively sure of myself because I've been teaching English for ten years, and I also checked out my facts fairly carefully before commenting, see references above. Sep 6, 2020 – 6.30pm . The term subjective usually applies only to pronouns (as in subjective case), and 'I' is subjective in both 'I have' and 'I've got', so I'm not quite sure what your point is there. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. I teach students to put in contractions when they are writing informal emails, for example, as uncontracted forms can sound rather stiff. Part 1 – Context, purpose and the leader’s role. 'I got a car' (get) is a red herring; it has nothing to do with 'I've got a car' (have got), full stop. 16 votes Discography of Rick Ross. ", I've got the world on a string, sitting on a rainbow, Today,they have got a modern lap top computer. Lately, I've been thinking a TON about hope. There are instances where "I have" and I have got" mean the same thing. Både låta og det kommende albumet handler om å ha håp om at verden blir bedre og i disse dager med skolestreiker, krav om erklæring av klimakrise og motstand mot gruvedumping og oljeboring, er det virkelig noe som trengs - håp. Until then, how you stretch "got" to mean present tense possession is beyond me. Only Hope I've Got Ellie Holcomb. In speech, the contraction is said. And I still argue that 'I've got a new car' is easier to say then 'I have a new car' - it involves less mouth movement. How could I do a thing like... Now I'll never make it! @Kernel Sanders - I'm afraid I have to disagree with you about these nuanced differences. Sempre spera. Just leave out the "got". everyone is so sure of themselves on here! Report Abuse. IE might you consider an enormous mountain to be different size than a very big mountain? -- oops. Know the rules so you can manipulate them. Permalink 64.5k Likes, 2,470 Comments - Brian Harold May (@brianmayforreal) on Instagram: “I’ve got some great help with pain management and rehabilitation. Wow! "And please don’t use the excuse that it’s normal communication, with that reasoning 'they’re' and 'there' will soon be synonymous. So I apologise that some things I’d like to develop for this website will take a bit longer. B2B Switzerland; B2B Germany; B2B Mexico. It helps that "gotten" is still brooked in the US. But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” Romans 8:24b+25. In some contexts, there is very little difference between "have to" and "must", and your example is a good one. One or two points about your examples - "have got" is almost always contracted, and "have" is much less so. I really need this job. He said he thought she was doing much better. red(d) up does indeed seem to mean clean or tidy up, and appears to have gone to America from Scotland, but I don't think I've ever heard it in Scotland. Most teachers feel a responsibility to their students to teach them English that is both grammatical and natural. Whether that’s the sad loss of a loved one or the economic ramifications of lockdown going on too long…. for people do discuss the vagaries of English usage. normal) doesn't mean incorrect. In this crazy time, when we don’t know how long the Coronavirus situation will last, or how our lives will be affected in the long run. As for whether it's redundant or not, is of supreme indifference to me (as you could see just then), it's the way most of us speak. I work with YWAM Burgtigny as their Basic Leadership Program team leader, I'm pioneering the B2B school (Be the Leader God wants you 2 be) for YWAM Switzerland and I'm a budding author. @Jackbox - my 'full stop' was meant to be an ironic reply to @Jim's 'period'. #16 9 things to stop Covid from stealing more of 2021, An Introduction to the Old Testament Template by Landa Cope, 16Personalities.com April’s website recommendation, Ultimate-Guitar.com: Website of the Month. Spirits Lyrics: I got guns in my head and they won't go / Spirits in my head and they won't go / I got guns in my head and they won't go / Spirits in my head and they won't / I been looking at the Remember in American English the verb goes 'get got gotten' but in the UK this old form has been dropped and the verb is 'get got got.'. Conversely, everything you have got, you still have, unless of course, you've disposed of it somehow (in which case, you'd probably say "had got"). #20 Two areas of insecure leadership and suggestions for becoming a more secure leader. Here's the entry: http://books.google.com/books?id=2yJusP0vrdgC&lpg=PP1&dq=merriam-websters%20dictionary%20of%20english%20usage&pg=PA498#v=onepage&q=have%20got&f=false. 2 votes 1. 4:04 PREVIEW I've Been Searching. What I'v found is that most folks will answer in the same way the frain was asked ... "Do you hav the book?" I've just noticed (or even observed that) it's -11 C outside! Fore example, and American teacher may ask 'Did you do your homework?" 5. New Reader:Porsche's comments on the English language are normally exceptionally good, but unfortunately I have to agree with you here. Now follow me on this: anything that you currently have, you must have got at some time or another. Gen Verde is a group of musicians and performing artists with a distinctly international profile. Now I understand why my friend in college told me that I spoke like a Brit without the accent. People tend to talk and write based entirely on where they were raised. No. Many languages of Europe 'ave a form using "have+participle"; however, the exact usage is different. The B2B school, (Be the leader God wants you to be), I’m leading in Switzerland this year isn’t until mid-August. Otherwise the speaker would not have used it. But in speech, or prose that resembles speech, you will probably want have got. See comment above), but @Jim, please look under 'have got', not 'got', which is something completely different. OTOH, "You'v got the book? @jayles - re: emails - most internal emails are written in relatively informal language, so contractions and constructions like "have got (to)" are entirely appropriate. Included in Swan's examples is one for permanent possession with "have got" - "My mother's got two sisters", and one for temporary possession with "have" - "The Prime Minister has a bad cold". Here is our school photo with my fellow students and staff – amazing people to do life and learning with. If we include dialect words that non-dialect-speakers like myself understand, we can add hundreds of others, for example: lum - chimney - Lang may your lum reekreek - smoke (Edinburgh was known as Auld Reekie, just like London was 'the Big Smoke')it's a sair fecht - (approximately) it's a hard life. Just because you can't hear subtle use variations doesn't mean they aren't there. 'I've got no hope': Road map a death knell for restaurants. - correct version- She had originally had black hair, apparently. I'd have thought this one would have petered out by now, 22 months and still going strong! If we didn't have Standard English, what would linguists mean when they say that an utterance such as 'I ain't never seen him' or 'He were in t'pub' are non-standard? And in my field, what would we teach foreign learners? - "As a teenager, he once got arrested for stealing cars". But 'I've got' is mainly used in informal spoken English, where we don't usually worry about redundancy. But having Hope (and Molly) were such a comfort – who didn’t really expect anything from me or judge me when I was having a bad day. And "have got" has been used by good writers, including Austen, Byron and Carroll. ", "Luckily he's got a good job to pay for all the upkeep. And I believe it. Report Abuse. I grew up in Scotland but I've also lived in the USA, England, India & Romania too. It's an extra word that conveys no additional meaning. It's NOT a Britishism; it's standard English! The truth is that not many people contract "I have" to "I've", and it doesn't sound very natural to me. Obviously, these examples are of subjects that the individual has had in their possetion for a long period of time. Report Abuse. You complained that "got" has been stretched to mean present tense possession. Last, it's a living, fluid language that we are discussing here (not that it matters; both are correct). I’m mainly suggesting the words are interchanged so often (by those that don’t seem to know the definitions) that their distinction is lost. And informal is often also friendlier sounding. Before her, I didn't even know what hope was. As a Canadian raised in the US, I think I may be stuck somewhere between British and American usage on some of these topics. Contractions are used for expedience, so go for the most efficient form that doesn't confuse. lmao lmao grow up GOT GOT GOT GOT GOT GOT GOT ps im glad that whoever made this site is the king of grammer and created the english language to be able to tell us all the way that we can use it. I've Got Hope è tratto dall'Album From the Inside Outside Tracking list e i testi dell'album: Tracking list e i testi dell'album: From the Inside Outside Data di pubblicazione: 12 ottobre 2018. 8 votes It's standard and is a completely different usage than what's being discussed here. You can say "I've got ten toes" even though you've always had them. In old German it was the same as in British English but now is used to mean the same as the past tense. Although she was incredibly friendly to me from our initial meeting, for the first two years at home, she was terrified of men. Allan Ngumuya - I've Got Hope. Price New from Used from Audio CD, August 26, 2003 "Please retry" $9.99 . Molly, my other cat, is with her too. authoring a blog article or vice-versa? 24-Hour Proofreading Service—We proofread your Google Docs or Microsoft Word files. “Hope is everything… I’ve always thought that. @HS - Why on earth anyone would want to avoid perfectly good idiomatic English is beyond me, but I suppose it was a joke. Even in internal company emails it pays to err on the formal side - esp if emailing the boss. (notice either way,it is past tense) If you know of a legitimate reference that goes further, let me know. Just as a point of interest: the use of "must" instead of "have to" or "should" is very common in South African English, especially with those who speak both English and Afrikaans.Probably due in some respects to translation from Afrikaans.Phrases like "you must see this" or "you must come visit" are much more common than the "have to" or "should" variety. About the meaning difference between "have" and "have got", Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usage notes that for many Americans, "have got" denotes mere possession, but "have" denotes obtaining. Everyone's pretty much said it. This site is a revelation. "I got," on the other hand, should be used for things an individual recently obtained. When you say "I have got" something, it means that some time in the past, you received it. So, there are some scenarios where I have got just will not do. But sometimes the pressure can be a bit much. Report Abuse, first look up the definition of "got", notice it is past tense. Boots and fur-lined leather coat. (also have got) have something (not used in the progressive tenses) to own, hold or possess something" - Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. In the UK (where I was brought up) and NZ (where I live now), "I have" and "I have got" mean precisely the same thing. It's not much of a stretch to use the present perfect to refer to actions in the present. "I have got AIDS," can by the literalist dick be contorted "Oh so you have gotten AIDS in the past, but its all better now, good to hear." Permalink God, I hope I get it! @AnwulfJohn could also have said "Yes, I have it", or maybe even "Yes, mum". Until then, how you stretch "got" to mean present tense possession is beyond me. It's not rocket science. Problem is it isn’t in my Webster’s Collegiate or the online Merriam–Webster.com but both references define got as past and past participle of get. In the first sentence "got" is indeed the past of "get", but in the second, "have got" is idiomatic for "have". If you're oppressed, I know, He'll give you liberty 3. Thank you! 3:44 PREVIEW I Believe That You're the One. "it's -11 C outside!" doesn't work, but "Got a car?" Permalink You bet I do. I have been (eg somewhere for a length of time) = I am. Already for them to come and sit down, so she could then sit on them and be patted. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. It's simply an idiomatic version of 'I have' which can only be used in the present; for other times we need to use 'have'. You're absolutely right that 'got' conveys no extra meaning, which has certainly confused some people, but it does suggest a difference in register. ... John often forgets a book and leaves it in the house. Report Abuse. Thank you all! Listen to I've Got Hope - Single by Hollow Hearts on Apple Music. Jim: I'm not sure about your logic.What about "I have a car" (present) and "I bought a car" (past)? Got and have are not redundant. goofy is right! The fact is that it *is* normal English, and how else can we judge what is acceptable English other than by looking at how good writers use English? He wanted to also say a special thanks to Inspector Naila Hassan and the family who looked after his three other children while he was unconscious in hospital and his wife was at this daughter's bedside. Or do I think I have anything to offer, when You have overcome the world? First, I suggest you do a little experiment. books used to harp on about the between "I have to go" and "I must go".....Yes if there is an L1 false friend one would of course have to deal with it - horses for courses. I Have Hope Encore Trax # 0490 Chorus: I have hope, when trouble comes my way I have hope, since Jesus has come to stay I have hope, oh yeah, when things are not well with me I have hope, it's a beautiful hope that sets me free Verse: Now, when in distress, He said, "Come unto me." I've got an odd issue and I hope y'all can be of some assistance! Similarly being perfect in grammar is useless without a good vocabulary and a relative fluency in speaking. @Curious indeed - that should read - not many people contract "I have to" to "I've to" ... "I've got to".
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