They make me feel whole.” — Kaylee B. bonehead slang. It gives me a warning (usually)-especially if I am sitting cross legged (Indian style) on the floor. Finding themselves at a disadvantage, Naruto decided to pull out all the stops... by using a flipped version of his Harem Jutsu to display a bevy of scantily clad men to a god! Hyperactive definition, unusually or abnormally active: a company's hyperactive growth; the child's hyperactive imagination. If people think that Sasuke didn't deserve Naruto's friendship, then by that same logic Naruto didn't deserve Hinata's love either. a stupid person. Naruto can easily be classified as one of the most energetic and knuckleheaded anime protagonists of all time. noun. However, this is exactly what turned out to be the case, with our knucklehead ninja overpowering Kiba's strong sense of smell with his natural gas and laying waste to him with the Uzumaki Barrage. 0. “I used to be able to hyperfixate on schoolwork when I was a teenager. They had to be nigh impossible to bring down. Yet, somehow, he's also managed to become the shining light of a show that's named after him... and for good reason. The Fourth Shinobi World War arc was the time when Naruto truly unlocked his full potential and easily became one of the most powerful shinobi of all time. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. Antonyms for knuckleheaded include apt, brainy, bright, brilliant, clever, fast, hyperintelligent, intelligent, keen and nimble. RELATED: Naruto: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Naruto Uzumaki. That guy just sat on a bench with wet paint. See the full definition for hyperactive in the English Language Learners Dictionary, Medical Definition of hyperactive (Entry 2 of 2), Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for hyperactive, Nglish: Translation of hyperactive for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of hyperactive for Arabic Speakers. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. 1 Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja Synonyms: blockhead, bonehead, dumbass, dunce, dunderhead, fuckhead, hammerhead, loggerhead, lunkhead, muttonhead, numskull, and shithead. What made you want to look up hyperactive? How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe... How well have you been paying attention this month? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). 1. See more. Send us feedback. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'hyperactive.' So, in a completely misguided turn of events, Naruto decides to disguise himself as Sasuke and almost convinces Sakura to give him a kiss. Learn a new word every day. hyperactive synonyms, hyperactive pronunciation, hyperactive translation, English dictionary definition of hyperactive. ‘As a hyperactive child, he wore himself out dancing every day, much to their relief.’ ‘I was a hyperactive child who attended the Detroit public schools.’ ‘She is extremely hyperactive and impulsive for her age.’ ‘He was difficult, hyperactive and extremely creative, while they … The tagline of Naruto being The No. 2021. Synonyms. This foolhardy notion culminated in a battle for the ages that is undoubtedly one of the best fights in Naruto by a country mile. Refers to a person of questionable intelligence. Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. However, there were times when Naruto went a bit too far in this regard. the skyrocketing price of oil resulted in a wildly fluctuating. blockhead old-fashioned informal. This caused Naruto to act out at a young age in a bid to draw attention. Similar to pinhead. knucklehead meaning, definition, what is knucklehead: someone stupid – used when you are not v...: Learn more. 2021. The size of the brain being given relative size of a human knuckle. Advertisement. / ˌhaɪ.pɚ.ækˈtɪv.ə.t̬i /. Whenever I’m having a rough day, I care extra hard for them and use them as a means of distracting myself from whatever problem I may be having. It is generally a mental state that allows and helps the people to focus on something close, consciously and more attentively to improve interest level and try to preserve those objects and observations for long-term. --Marcus Aurelius Shonen anime is full to the brim with overenthusiastic and stupid protagonists that somehow become the most relatable characters — something that can be either very sad or great, depending on your viewpoint. This was on full display when — right after damaging Ten-Tails Jinchūriki Obito with a Sage chakra-enhanced attack — Naruto planned another assault... only for the Second Hokage to point out that he had completely forgotten about the fact that only Sage Jutsu would work against Obito. Define hyperactive. (of a person) the state of having more energy than is normal, becoming excited easily, and being unable to stay still or think about work: Their … “Hyperactive.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, To put this into context, here are 10 glaring moments from the show that truly personify Naruto's one-of-a-kind character. Pokémon Gyms saw a lot of destruction. Definition of hyperactive adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Hypermobility, also known as double-jointedness, describes joints that stretch farther than normal. However, Naruto's stubbornness is still something stupid that needs to be pointed out regardless. 1 Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja, Naruto: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Naruto Uzumaki, Naruto: 5 Things About The Show That Make No Sense (& 5 Fan Theories That Do), Naruto: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto didn't deserve Hinata's love either, Naruto: The Worst Things Naruto Ever Did, Ranked, 10 Great Anime Parents With Awful Children, 10 Ways Higurashi Is Different In The Manga, Attack On Titan: 5 Anime Characters Who Could Stop The Reiss Titan (& 5 Who Couldn't), 10 Anime Characters Who Are Just Like Harley Quinn, Avatar: 10 Characters Who Are Still Powerful Without Their Bending, The Good Asian #1 Kicks Off a Hardboiled Chinatown Noir, Space Pirate Captain Harlock #1: An Appealing Hybrid of Manga & Western Comics, Heroes Reborn #1 Is a Bold Start for Marvel's Next Crossover Event, Reckless: Friend of the Devil Is a Pulpy Delight from Brubaker and Phillips, This Is Where We Fall Combines Several Elements into an Intricate Story, Scout Comics' Unikorn #1 Introduces an Enchanting World of Pure Imagination, Attack On Titan: 5 Characters Mikasa Could Defeat (& 5 She'd Lose To), 10 Anime Heroes Who Think They're The Best (& Are), 10 Strongest Female Shonen Protagonists, Ranked, 10 Best Anime Characters Based On The Seven Deadly Sins, Attack On Titan: 5 Naruto Characters Reiner Could Defeat (& 5 He'd Lose To), Attack On Titan: 10 Questions Left Unanswered After The Final Chapter, 10 Anime Healers Who Are Scary In A Fight, 10 Anime Characters Who Are Definitely Cat People, 10 Harem Anime Where The Protagonist Picked Someone At The End, 5 Bending Subsets Aang & Korra Learned (& 5 They Should Have), 10 Laidback Anime Characters Who Are Secretly Strong. Attack On Titan: All 9 Titan Users, Ranked By Strength In Human Form, 10 Moments That Really Showed That Naruto Is The No. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Nothing personifies this statement more than our very own Naruto, who can easily be classified as one of the most energetic and knuckleheaded anime protagonists of all time. dunce disapproving. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Being a Jinchūriki led to Naruto having a pretty rough childhood, with the majority of people in the village vilifying him, if not ignoring him outright. Joint hypermobility syndrome can run in families and it cannot be prevented. A one-stop shop for all things video games. See more words with the same meaning: unintelligent person, idiot. We have to be thankful that Naruto's bad stomach prevented him from going forward with this notion since it would've led to something truly inexcusable. While he usually means well, he often gets himself, and the people around him, into sticky situations that often get people hurt or at least put them in danger. An idiot; a stupid or inept person. To even think that Naruto could get the upper hand in a fight by farting is simply too much to fathom. Speaking of flowers and bicycles and wares. He should've heeded the words of everyone around him and branded Sasuke a traitor like any logical human would in that scenario. dunderhead old-fashioned informal. 1 Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja was completely oblivious to this fact. Don't stick that screwdriver into the live electrical outlet, you knucklehead! 1. "When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." Highly or excessively active: a hyperactive thyroid gland. RELATED: Naruto: 5 Things About The Show That Make No Sense (& 5 Fan Theories That Do). You can't learn. Last edited on Oct 28 2011. Don't stick that screwdriver into the live electrical outlet, you knucklehead! "Ursaring, Hyper Beam!" It's like my shopping gone. adj. Pretty much everyone can agree with the fact that Sasuke was a complete psychopath who didn't deserve Naruto's friendship. Accessed 6 May. It can affect one or more joints throughout the body. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. The similar calls echoed out as the fully evolved Pokémon of each person in the special unit began gathering pure life energy from their bodies in their mouths before firing all of it out directly at the mansion, punching devastating holes through the walls. When Naruto managed to magically restore Kakashi's eye — something that had been damaged for years — the explanation he gave was completely ridiculous, with our favorite knucklehead ninja unable to string basic sentences. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. But midway through, Lia suffers a massive seizure, nearly two hours long, and goes from a happy, As infection progresses, the primary enemy becomes a, Among the many topics, the WMO hurricane committee will also be discussing the 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season — known also as the most, At first glance, social media was deliberately designed to trigger the, Even a TikTok novice (or outright objectionist) can appreciate the warm sunset hues that are provided by the, Post the Definition of hyperactive to Facebook, Share the Definition of hyperactive on Twitter, Scientists suspect in certain genetically susceptible people, the immune cells remain, A growing number of parents suspect that the powerful stimulant. All my fingers are hyper-extended at the last knuckle making the tips of my fingers curl up when I try to make them straight. But of course, nothing comes close to the absolute ridiculousness that Naruto put on display in the Fourth Shinobi World War arc when he decided to fight Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. having attention deficit disorder (no longer used by the scientific community). It has to be in your blood in your genetic code passed down from generation to generation within a single clan But that means yes, even I can't copy that you two there's no way to destroy no way to stopping I couldn't breakthrough so … The Chūnin exams are meant to be the biggest show of one's skills, putting everything on the line as students give their all in the ring in a show of strength, discipline, and valor. knucklehead - a stupid person; these words are used to express a low opinion of someone's intelligence blockhead , bonehead , dumbass , dunce , dunderhead , fuckhead , hammerhead , loggerhead , lunkhead , muttonhead , numskull , shithead Accessed 26 Apr. Test your visual vocabulary with our 10-question challenge! Naruto always had a soft spot for Sasuke — something that we'll delve into later in this list — which made him perform certain actions that were just completely stupid and moronic, as a result. Hyperactivity is a state of being unusually or abnormally active. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 02 2009 . What causes joint hypermobility syndrome. Here the moments that prove it! What is it. The worst part was that it actually worked as a distraction, which just boggles our minds! Gyms had to be sturdier than any other kind of building, especially on the battlefield portions when they were indoors. For example, some hypermobile people can bend their thumbs backwards to their wrists, bend their knee joints backwards, put their leg behind the head or perform other contortionist "tricks." Served me well in terms of scholarships and grades but led to an eventual crash.” RELATED: Naruto: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Sasuke Uchiha. 1 Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja is something that is completely befitting of his character, and anyone who has seen the anime or read the manga can stand by this statement. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. This is where Naruto shows the audience that he's not averse to being a total creep as well. See more. Delivered to your inbox! A stupid person; these words are used to express a low opinion of someone's intelligence. 1 Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja is something that is completely befitting of his character, and anyone who has seen the anime or read the manga can stand by this statement. NEXT: Naruto: The Worst Things Naruto Ever Did, Ranked. From defacing the Hokage statues to stealing a valuable scroll with a forbidden Jutsu — which he admittedly learned and mastered — young Naruto was a bit too stupid for our liking. However, no matter how much power he might've had, the fact of the matter is that his boneheaded nature still shone through. Basically, after trying his hardest to hit on Sakura and failing in the process, Naruto realizes that the only way he'll get some action from his crush is by imitating the person she liked. Naruto's powerup during the Fourth Shinobi World War arc allowed him to control Six Paths Sage Mode, which gave Naruto a ton of powers — some of which he couldn't even explain! (adjective) A hyperactive thyroid gland. The worst example of this came during the Five Kage Summit arc when Naruto decided to humiliate himself in front of the Raikage so that he would spare Sasuke, a foolhardy notion that had the expected outcome of the Raikage completely dismissing his plea and admonishing him for bowing down so trivially. Download the Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust's leaflet: Hypermobility Information for parents, carers and schools (PDF, 158kb). You'd think that someone like Naruto, who'd faced the trials and turmoils of facing a lonely childhood, would do everything in his power to ensure that his children wouldn't go through the same ordeal. Joint hypermobility syndrome in children. Highly or excessively active. I also have a knee cap that "pops" if I bend in an odd position. “Knucklehead.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, However, it seems that Naruto seemingly forgot these definitive childhood moments as he completely ignored his family and focused on his duties as Hokage, thereby becoming nothing short of a complete hypocrite. Yet, the latter did everything possible to ensure that Sasuke would learn the error of his ways and come back to the Leaf Village. knucklehead (Noun) An idiot; a stupid or inept person. Hyperactive definition is - affected with or exhibiting hyperactivity; broadly : more active than is usual or desirable. Hyperacusis is a very rare and highly debilitating hearing disorder characterized by an increased sensitivity to certain frequencies and volume ranges of sound, or a lower than average tolerance for environmental noise.A person with severe hyperacusis has great difficulty tolerating many everyday sounds, which are perceived by the person as uncomfortably loud and sometimes physically painful. Atlas » Learn more about the world with our collection of regional and country maps. The tagline of Naruto being The No. Video shows what hyperactive means. However, the fight between Naruto and Kiba was anything but that. It’s often difficult to manage for people around the person who’s hyperactive, such as teachers, employers, and parents. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! How to use hyperactive in a sentence. Hyperactivity definition, the condition of being hyperactive. Only the strongest of attacks could damage those walls. To put this into context, here are 10 glaring moments from the show that truly personify Naruto's one-of-a-kind character. It. After all, it was painfully clear to everyone around them that Hinata had fallen head-over-heels for Naruto, but the No. numskull informal. When you talk about this hyper-fixated, then you will find it the sum of some qualities including special interest, hyperfocus and preservation. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. having an increased state of activity. Related: 10 Moments That Really Showed That Naruto Is The No. What does hyperactive mean? It took years of blushing and an entire movie of its own for Naruto to finally develop feelings for Hinata... which just feels like a bit too late to blossom, in our opinion. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. A strong enough Pokémon could bring down a regular building without even meaning to.
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Giuseppe De Luca Scrittore, Tommy E Fra Instagram, Terre Movimento Lento, Giorgia Elsa Giordano, Vendita Appartamenti In Residence Con Piscina Toscana, San Valentino Significato,