In addition, Gods of Egypt has been criticized for "whitewashing," as it features a predominantly white cast depicting Egyptian characters. So, here is everything we know about the yet untitled sequel to 'Gods of Egypt'. Gods of Egypt shows us a world where gods and men live side by side. View all. "Gods of Egypt" ist einer dieser Filme, von dem trotz eines spektakulären Marketingaufwands und Produktionskosten von 140 Millionen US-Dollar die meisten Menschen nicht viel gehört haben. So ist "Gods of Egypt 2" derzeit nicht geplant und wohl auch in Zukunft eher keine sichere Nummer. Doch der fünf Jahre nach dem Kinostart entstandene Kult um "Gods of Egypt", sei er nun ernst oder ironisch gemeint von den Fans des wilden Abenteuerfilms, ist nicht genug, um eine Fortsetzung herbei zu wünschen. In Gods of Egypt, Gerard Butler, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, and Brenton Thwaities battle inside the world of Egyptian mythology. April 2016 in den deutschen Kinos. Release date: February 25, 2016 (Australia), February 26, 2016 (United States) Wenn du zu den vielen Menschen gehörst, die über "Gods of Egypt" (2016) mit Action-Star Gerard Butler und "Game of Thrones"-Darsteller Nikolaj Coster-Waldau in den Hauptrollen gestolpert bist, stellst du dir bestimmt die Frage, ob es eine Fortsetzung zu der irren CGI-Bilderflut gibt. It crosses over many mythological pantheons. Der unkonventionelle Australier wurde für seine letzte Spielfilmarbeit sogar als schlechteste Regisseur des Jahres bei der Goldenen Himbeere nominiert. The film was underwhelming at the box office, grossing $150.7 million against a budget of $140 million. But if it turns out to be an unexpected blockbuster, the fantastical film could get a follow-up after all. Darum gibt es keine "Gods of Egypt" Fortsetzung. Since Egyptian mythology is pretty expansive, there would be no lack of source material for a Gods of Egypt 2. View all. Josh Wigler Sep 25, 2013. Bei einem Produktionsbudget von 140 Millionen US-Dollar (plus weitere Millionen fürs Marketing) konnte der Film nicht wirklich einen Gewinn einfahren. When gods are cut, they bleed gold. View all. We figured that when looking for other films like Gods of Egypt you might be after other action or adventure movies or perhaps those starring Brenton Thwaites. In addition, the sequel could draw new narratives from the fantasy/drama elements of the first film, and could bulk up with more audience-appeasing action sequences. Written by James Pasier. The film will be offered at many theaters in both standard and 3D viewing formats, the latter of which tends to help profits. The mini-major saw great success selling garbage at AFM, where they sold out all markets on this turkey, Point Break and Mortdecai — a triple feature a fragile viewer might not survive. 2021 Bustle Digital Group. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau konnte erfolgreich die "Game of Thrones"-Serie abschließen und Gerard Butler dreht fröhlich weiter Action- und Katastrophenfilme wie etwa die "Olympus"-Reihe und verteidigt auch heute noch in Interviews seinen oft belächelten Auftritt in "Gods of Egypt". (See Coster-Waldau in exclusive character poster above!) Gods of Egypt 2: Resurrection of Set is a 2021 film based on Egyptian, Greek, Norse, and other Mythologies. Schließlich ist die Welt der ägyptischen Götter, die der Film einführt so riesig und voller Energie, dass es eigentlich genug Potential für "Gods of Egypt 2" geben sollte. She is the goddess everyone forgot about. View all. But the film’s general conceit of “mortals and gods fighting for power” was never really … Den Trailer zu "Kampf der Götter in "Gods of Egypt"" und weitere Clips und Videos zu den neusten Top Filmen online sehen bei TV Spielfilm Gods of Egypt 2: Resurrection of Set. Release a sequel—a $140 million sequel—to Gods of Egypt, with a black actor cast in every principal role. Das war schon der Todesstoß für die Kinokasse, die leider weniger ausfiel als erwartet. Doch woran scheitert das Sequel? This may be a difficult feat, but certainly not impossible. 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 2015; 2014; 2013; 2012; 2011; 2010; Judas and the Black Messiah (2021) The Father (2021) Cosmic Sin (2021) View all. View all. Das Sequel „Zorn der Titanen“ wurde dagegen mit 3D-Kameras gedreht und sah deswegen im Kino deutlich besser aus als der Vorgänger – aber erstens nützt euch das … Game of Thrones Star Joins Alex Proyas' Gods of Egypt. View all. Few dare to rebel against him. Trotz "300"-Star Gerard Butler als Hauptbösewicht floppte der Film mit nur 150 Millionen US-Dollar an der internationalen Kinokasse. L’imminente Super Bowl promette di portare un’ondata di nuovi spot televisivi per tutti i film più attesi in arrivo quest’anno e oggi ne abbiamo uno in anteprima dell’action fantasy Gods of Egypt che vi proponiamo insieme ad un nuovo trailer, una locandina italiana e un set di immagini ufficiali. Gods of Egypt 2 could have a smaller chance of happening if the first film fails to demonstrate staying power in theaters. In particular, crime thriller Triple 9 and biopic Eddie the Eagle may give the fantasy flick a run for its money. There are a lot of different things to consider, so at this point in time it seems pretty uncertain if a sequel is in the cards for Gods of Egypt. Bek (Thwaities), a mere mortal among deities, finds himself in an epic clash to save mankind and his true love from the cruel god of darkness Set (Butler). There haven't been any murmurs yet about a follow-up, likely because it's still so uncertain how Gods of Egypt will perform in theaters. Here’s our pitch. 18 Fotos und 24 Posters für den Film Gods Of Egypt von Alex Proyas mit Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Gerard Butler, Brenton Thwaites. Der Film startete am 21. Gods Of Egypt (Horus AU Fanfiction) *Editing* Fanfiction. The movie had a $140 million budget, so in order to spark enough interest for a sequel it's going to have to rake in enough cash to justify the price tag. Er wurde später zum "Black Panther" (2018) und erhielt für seine letzte Rolle vor seinem Krebstod in "MA Rainey’s Black Bottom" (2021) posthum eine Oscar-Nominierung als bester Darsteller und wird sogar als Favorit gehandelt. Gods of Egypt (2016) Epski spektakl donosi nam klasičnu priču o Setu, nemilosrdnom bogu tame po drevnom egipatskom vjerovanju. View all. Er hat nach dem Debakel keinen Film mehr gedreht. Set, the merciless god of darkness, has taken over the throne of Egypt and plunged the once peaceful and prosperous empire into chaos and conflict. Box office analysts are not high on Gods of Egypt, the $140M CGI epic from director Alex Proyas and starring Gerard Butler. But what will happen if the film turns out to be a hit? HOLLYWOOD – Paul Bettany is confirmed for Gods of Egypt 2: Gods of Central Africa to be filmed early next year. Als der Film 2016 in die Kinos kam, gab es erstmal eine massive Klatsche von den Kritikern, die sich von der Verquickung historischer Action und grotesken CGI-Fantasy-Figuren eher irritiert als amüsiert zeigten. There are airborne chariots drawn by winged beetles and flocks of birds, an Indiana Jones-style treasure trove rigged with booby-traps, and a bracelet that repels 42 different demons. It's hard to gain traction with a certain niche (like lovers of Egyptian mythology) after you've pissed them off. Everyone thinks she's dead but when the love of … View all. Gods of Egypt: nuovo trailer, spot tv Super Bowl, foto e locandina italiana. With such cynicism surrounding the movie before it's even been released, it's tough to determine how the movie will be received by audiences. Gods of Egypt ist ein Fantasyfilm des Regisseurs Alex Proyas aus dem Jahr 2016 mit Gerard Butler, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau und Brenton Thwaites in den Hauptrollen. It introduces and creates … 'Gods Of Egypt' Could Bring On A Sequel It Could Appeal To A Lot Of People. Gerard Butler kann es nicht fassen: "Gods of Egypt 2" wird vermutlich nicht mehr kommen. Zu wild die Bilderflut, zu komplex die Spezialeffekte, um sie einfach so vom Tisch zu wischen. Die schöne Elodie Yung hatte später mehr Erfolg als Elektra in der Marvel-Serie "Daredevil" auf Netflix. When Ravana finds out she disappears from the sight of all the gods. will there be a gods of Egypt 2? Das ist ein unglaublich schlechtes Ergebnis. The new movie Gods of Egypt has already made waves for a few reasons. A young thief, whose love was taken captive by the god, seeks to dethrone and defeat Set with the aid of the powerful god Horus. Gods of Egypt had the best showing among new releases from its Thursday previews; however, best is being used as a relative term, as it only managed $800,000. Du willst mehr von uns lesen? And that’s… pretty much it. "Gods of Egypt" has a vision, cockeyed though it may be. Gods of Egypt is a 2016 sword-and-sandal fantasy film based on Egyptian Mythology starring Gerard Butler, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Geoffrey Rush, Élodie Yung, Brenton Thwaites, Chadwick Boseman and Courtney Eaton. Gods, monsters and total mayhem ensue in this mythical Egyptian fantasy adventure starring Gerard Butler (300) as the dark god Set, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Game of Thrones) as the almighty Horus, and Brenton Thwaites (Maleficent) and Courtney Eaton (Mad Max: Fury Road) as noble mortals Bek and Zaya.From Alex Proyas, director of I, Robot, Dark City and The Crow. Gods of Egypt is a 2016 fantasy action film directed by Alex Proyas based on the ancient Egyptian deities.It stars Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Gerard Butler, Brenton Thwaites, Chadwick Boseman, Élodie Yung, Courtney Eaton, Rufus Sewell and Geoffrey Rush.The film portrays a mortal Egyptian hero who partners with the Egyptian god Horus to save the world from Set and rescue his love. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: tre registi dietro il sequel; View all. Is it possible that there could be a Gods of Egypt sequel? He was tasked with holding the scales on which the heart was weighed. View all. View all. The movie spans several genres, so it could draw audiences from fans of everything from 300 to Lord of The Rings to Mad Max: Fury Road. Das ist etwa der Stand zu "Alita: Battle Angel 2". Po egipatskoj mitologiji, on je ubio svog brata Ozirisa. Read Sequel from the story Gods of Egypt (Horus x OC) by Winterlynx1 with 340 reads. For instance, while it shares its episodic and implausible plot and style, it is a far more original film than the beloved Episode VII (but without decades of nostalgia and anticipation to paper over its weaknesses). The film was released on February 25, 2016. Auch andere spektakuläre Filme bangen um Fortsetzungen wie "Gods of Egypt 2". View all. Folge uns auf Google News. Den größten Erfolg aber feierte Chadwick Boseman, der in "Gods of Egypt" in einer kleinen Nebenrolle zu sehen ist. But It'll Have A Lot Of Competition. For starters, the movie is an unlikely mix of fantasy and Egyptian history (along with plenty of action and drama). Bast is usually shown with a feline head or ears on a woman's body or as a (usually, non-domestic) cat. Doch wie so oft passiert mit früheren Kinoflops, hat sich inzwischen ein Kult um "Gods of Egypt" gebildet. So ist "Gods of Egypt 2" derzeit nicht geplant und wohl auch in Zukunft eher keine sichere Nummer. To save the corporeal world, Bek must travel through the afterlife and across … Even if Gods of Egypt has a big opening weekend, that doesn't necessarily translate into a overall high-grossing film. 15 Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt Anubis. Wimbledon star, Paul Bettany has been confirmed for a lead role in Gods of Egypt 2: Gods of Central Africa, the sequel which will take the action of the first film deeper into the heart of whitest Africa. In a way, Gods of Egypt is more original than many similar films of this genre in that it is not a prequel or sequel or reboot of a franchise, or a comic book adaptation. Die Macher und Stars sind mittlerweile auch weiter gezogen und vermutlich nicht mehr daran interessiert, zu einem der größten Flops ihrer Karrieren zurückzukehren. All rights reserved. In order to find similar movies to Gods of Egypt we've considered many elements such as movie genre, storyline and headlining actors. Exiled, blinded, and alone, Horus attempts to reclaim the throne with the talents of a young thief named Bek (Brenton Thwaites). Doch der fünf Jahre nach dem Kinostart entstandene Kult um "Gods of Egypt", sei er nun ernst oder ironisch gemeint von den Fans des wilden Abenteuerfilms, ist nicht genug, um eine Fortsetzung herbei zu wünschen. Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush and '300' hero Gerard Butler are the latest to join Alex Proyas' ancient epic Gods of Egypt. By comparison, 13 Hours pulled in … View all. If the heart... Bast or Bastet. However, the producers have shown interest in producing a sequel in the foreseeable future. Regisseur Alex Proyas, der zuvor Erfolge wie "The Crow" (1994), "Dark City" (1998) und "I, Robot" (2004) feierte, konnte sich vom Flop "Gods of Egypt" bislang nicht erholen. Even if the sequel gets greenlit now, it might take at least a couple of years of production and marketing time. Horus, bog neba i Ozirisov sin, htio je osvetiti smrt svog oca no nije uspio već mu je ovaj iskopao oči. However, he does provide an update on Alex Proyas' Gods of Egypt. TJ Dietsch Dec 24, 2013 'Gods of Egypt' Adds Geoffrey Rush. Und darum sieht es eher schlecht aus für "Jupiter Ascending 2". Der zweistündige Film erhielt bei 194 Online-Rezensionen nur einen Zuspruch von 15 Prozent auf der Kritiken-Seite After god of the desert, Set (Gerard Butler) rips out the magical eyes of his nephew Horus (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), he claims the title, King of Egypt, as his own. She fell hard for Horus only for him to see her best friend as his love. For now, without having the numbers to calculate the likelihood of a Gods of Egypt 2, let's take a look at some of the other factors that could play a role in determining whether or not there will be a sequel. In addition to the popular movies already in theaters (like Zoolander 2 and Deadpool), Gods of Egypt will have competition from a few other movies with the same release date. ‘Gods of Egypt’ released in the month of February, 2016. Anubis was a funerary god. The possibility for a sequel could be harmed by the controversy surrounding Gods of Egypt's lack of diversity, regardless of filmmakers' apologies for the casting decisions. View all. Bes or Bisu. Finde Bildergalerie für den Film Gods Of Egypt. On this page we've matched up top rated films that feature keywords like 3d, marvel comic and sequel. Of course, for that to happen the ‘Gods of Egypt’ sequel needs to be commissioned first. Die Macher und Stars sind mittlerweile auch … View all. And set it in the pastiest place on Earth: Ireland. Mortals Bek and Zaya (Brenton Thwaites and Courtney Eaton) are a couple trying to … set, anubis, gods. So, optimistically, we are looking at 2023 release date for ‘Gods of Egypt 2’. Das sind die teuersten Filme aller Zeiten, Gods of Egypt 2: Wie die Chancen für eine Fortsetzung stehen, darum sieht es eher schlecht aus für "Jupiter Ascending 2". Stay tuned to The Cinemaholic for latest updates on ‘Gods of … Film Database. The budget for Gods Of Egypt was $140 million, which Lionsgate bankrolled and mitigated their risk across numerous overseas distributors who snatched up the expensive rights at the American Film Market.
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