This squadron only entered active service for two months of the year for training maneuvers, and the rest of the year was spent with reduced crews. [5], Thaon di Revel-class offshore patrol vessel,,3_id,2349.html,,, "Fincantieri: al via lavori secondo pattugliatore polivalente altura", "Fincantieri Launched the 2nd PPA 'Francesco Morosini' for the Italian Navy",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, RESM (Radar Electronic Support Counter-Measure), - flight deck 25.5 m (83 ft 8 in) x 16.5 m (54 ft 2 in), This page was last edited on 2 March 2021, at 18:44. Francesco Crispi Francesco Morosini Francisca Sartori Francis Drake Francisville Franconia Frankfurt (1899; North German Lloyd) Frankfurt (1954; Hapag) Fredericia Frederick Frederikshavn Frederik VIII Freya Torm Friedrich der Grosse Friesland Frutera Fukuken Maru Fürst Bismarck Furst Bismarck Fushimi Maru Fusilier Fuso Maru. She was quickly rendered obsolescent by the new pre-dreadnought battleships being laid down, and as a result, her career was limited. She was laid down at the Venetian Arsenal on 4 December 1881 and launched on 30 July 1885. Nonostante la Scuola Navale Militare “Francesco MOROSINI” sia una vera e propria fucina per la classe dirigente – militare e civile – del nostro Paese, la retta annuale non è affatto esagerata, anzi, prevede – a seconda del reddito – degli “scaglioni” che fanno oscillare le spese a carico delle famiglie da un minimo di 309,87 euro ad un massimo di 1.342,79 all’anno. Gaulterio. Francesco Morosini. On 4 September 2017, sixty-three young students from various regions of Italy crossed the gate of the “Francesco Morosini” Military Naval School to begin the three-year school year that will lead them to obtaining a classical or scientific high school diploma wearing the uniform of the Navy. Venezia. Italian Navy ordered the new MBDA TESEO MK/2E heavy-duty missile (TESEO "EVO"), a long-range anti-ship missilewith also strategic land attack capability. Francesco Morosini nacque a Venezia il 26 febbraio 1619, indomito fin da ragazzo intraprese la carriera militare navale, nella quale rimase fino alla morte. Francesco Morosini was an ironclad battleship built in the 1880s and 1890s for the Italian Regia Marina (Royal Navy). Francesco Morosini, anche noto come il Peloponnesiaco (Venezia, 26 febbraio 1619 – Nauplia, 6 gennaio 1694), è stato il 108º doge della Repubblica di Venezia dal 3 aprile 1688 fino alla sua morte. The Francesco Morosini Naval Military School (Italian: Scuola militare navale "Francesco Morosini") is a military education college based in Venice operated by the Italian Navy and named after the great venetian Doge. Didascalia : Foto: Altre immagini della corazzata RN Francesco Morosini alle schede 462C, 1294C, 2953C, 2981C, 3671C, 3672C. Her wreck was later scrapped. Scuola Navale Militare “Francesco MOROSINI” Nel 1937 sull'isola di S. Elena, ultima propaggine di Venezia, venne inaugurato il complesso di edifici destinati ad ospitare il "Collegio Navale della Gioventù Italiana del Littorio", che aveva il compito [8] The In 1899, Francesco Morosini and her two sisters returned to the Active Squadron, which was kept in service for eight months of the year, with the remainder spent with reduced crews. The squadron was based at La Spezia at the time. She carried a secondary battery of two 6-inch (152 mm) 32-cal. Giuseppe Cavo Dragone. I protagonisti sono un gruppo di giovanotti, non più giovanotti, allievi della famosa Scuola navale militare Francesco Morosini, fucina dei ranghi superiori della Marina militare Italiana. [1], In 1905, Francesco Morosini and her two sisters were joined in the Reserve Squadron by the three Re Umberto-class ironclads and Enrico Dandolo, three cruisers, and sixteen torpedo boats. Storia. Francesco Morosini was an ironclad battleship built in the 1880s and 1890s for the Italian Regia Marina (Royal Navy). Home Marina News . [4] In 1896, she cruised off Crete as the flagship of the 2nd Division, under Rear Admiral E. La RN Francesco Morosini, u tilizzata come bersaglio d'artiglieria, venne affondata il 15 settembre1909. In addition, technological progress, particularly in armor production techniques—first Harvey armor and then Krupp armor—rapidly rendered older vessels like Francesco Morosini obsolete. Guarda lo speciale Altamarea sulla Scuola Navale Francesco Morosini The ship was stricken from the naval register in August 1909; the following month, she was expended as a target ship for experiments with torpedoes. She was not completed for another four years, her construction finally being finished on 21 August 1889. The ship's construction period was very lengthy, beginning in August 1881 and completing in February 1888. Nato nel 1619, discendente da antica e nobile famiglia veneta, entrò giovanissimo nel servizio militare e rimase imbarcato per più di vent’anni, durante i quali partecipò, segnalandosi per il valore, a tutte le operazioni belliche della Serenissima. It is part of the renewal plan of the Italian Navy fleet, approved by the Government and Parliament and started in May 2015 (“ Naval Law ”). Varata nave Francesco Morosini . Fino al 26 giugno previste intense giornate di addestramento. Varata nave Francesco Morosini . [1][2][3], Francesco Morosini was laid down on 16 February 2018 at Fincantieri Muggiano and launched on 22 May 2020. Leggi Tutto. E, allora, anche la mia Dalmazia, la Dalmazia della mia giovinezza, non esiste più. Nave Morosini, il cui motto è "Ex undis signum victoriae" (Dalle onde presagio di vittoria) è la seconda di sette Unità, con una lunghezza di 143 metri e un dislocamento di 6000 tonnellate, rientra nel piano di rinnovamento delle linee operative della Squadra Navale avviato nel maggio 2015 (c.d. 25 Maggio 2020 25 Maggio 2020 niccoli. Venezia 1936. PPA Full 120 crew;PPA Light+ + 90;PPA Light 90;(. L’Opera Nazionale Balilla commissiona agli architetti Francesco Mansutti e Gino Tiozzo la costruzione della Scuola Professionale per “ Marinaretti”. Fu assegnato al 2º Gruppo Sommergibili con base Napoli per il quale fu usato per l'addestramento dal 1938 al 1940. Il Francesco Morosini è stato un sommergibile della Regia Marina. [10] In 1908, the Italian Navy decided to discard Francesco Morosini and her sister Ruggiero di Lauria. [4] Expected to be commissioned in March 2022. La cerimonia è stata sobria e molto ristretta, svolta alla presenza del Capo di Stato Maggiore della Marina, Amm. INFORMAZIONI: N. 72 ALLIEVI SCUOLA MILITARE NAVALE “FRANCESCO MOROSINI” (VENEZIA) ... la nave Palinuro e la nave San Marco. [5] During that year's summer maneuvers, held in July 1896, Francesco Morosini continued as Gaulterio's flagship; the 2nd Division also included her sister Andrea Doria and the protected cruiser Giovanni Bausan. Fu nominato 4 volte Capitano Generale da Mar e successivamente Doge. La Scuola Navale Militare “Francesco Morosini” è una realtà logistica interessante e altamente dinamica e questo spiega il fortissimo interesse da parte degli aspiranti allievi, manifestato con l’aumento costante delle richieste di iscrizione al concorso annuale. Nave Morosini, il cui motto è “Ex undis signum victoriae” (Dalle onde presagio di vittoria) è la seconda di sette Unità, con una lunghezza di 143 metri e un dislocamento di 6000 tonnellate, rientra nel piano di rinnovamento delle linee operative della Squadra Navale avviato nel maggio 2015 (c.d. The ship, named for Francesco Morosini, the 17th-century Doge of Venice, was the second of three ships in the Ruggiero di Lauria class, along with Ruggiero di Lauria and Andrea Doria. 304–305, Naval warfare in the Mediterranean during World War I,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 23 March 2021, at 21:42. The missile will have a new terminal "head" with dual RF seeker (Radio Frequency) and, presumably, date the need to even attack ground targets, IIR (Imaging IR). Former OTOMAT is accredited for a range of action of more than 180 km. Marina Militare: gli allievi del primo anno della Scuola Navale “Francesco Morosini” imbarcati su Nave Etna. He was a member of a famous noble Venetian family (the Morosini family) which produced several Doges and generals. She was armed with a main battery of four 17-inch (432 mm) guns, was protected with 17.75-inch (451 mm) thick belt armor, and was capable of a top speed of 17 knots (31 km/h; 20 mph). di Redazione pubblicato il 12 Giugno 2020 Nessun commento. L’istituto doveva ospitare i giovani della Nave Scuola Scilla prossima al disarmo. These included a pair of 75 mm (3 in) guns, ten 57 mm (2.2 in) 40-caliber guns, twelve 37 mm (1.5 in) guns, five 37 mm revolver cannon, and two machine guns. Il 22 maggio, presso lo stabilimento Fincantieri di Riva Trigoso (GE), si è svolta la cerimonia di varo del secondo. Francesco Morosini (26 February 1619 - 16 January 1694)... was the Doge of Venice from 1688 to 1694, at the height of the Great Turkish War. She had a crew of 507–509 officers and men. The explosion tore a 50-square-meter (540 sq ft) hole in the hull, causing her to list severely and sink on her side. Benvenuti sulla pagina ufficiale della Scuola Navale Militare Francesco Morosini. Home Marina News . Allo stesso tempo, gli allievi al 3° anno si preparano a conquistare la maturità e hanno inoltre la possibilità di conseguire la patente nautica. 11 Marzo 2010. di Pancrazio “Ezio” Vinciguerra. [1] The year she entered service, the British began building the Royal Sovereign class; these ships marked a significant advance over previous types of capital ships and set the standard for future vessels, which became known as pre-dreadnought battleships. [7], In 1898, Francesco Morosini was transferred to the Reserve Squadron, along with Ruggiero di Lauria and the ironclad Lepanto and five cruisers. She took part in the squadron's final operations when, as flagship the Italian division of the International Squadron, she departed Crete along with the British battleship HMS Revenge (flagship of the commander of British forces in the squadron, Rear-Admiral Gerard Noel) and the Russian armored cruiser Gerzog Edinburgski (flagship of the commander of the squadron's Russian forces, Rear Admiral Nikolai Skrydlov) in steaming to Milos with the French protected cruiser Bugeaud, flagship of the International Squadron's overall commander, Rear Admiral Édouard Pottier. [2], Francesco Morosini took part in the annual fleet maneuvers of 1894 in 2nd Division of the Active Squadron, along with the protected cruiser Ettore Fieramosca, the torpedo cruiser Tripoli, and four torpedo boats. Her engines produced a top speed of 16 knots (30 km/h; 18 mph) at 10,000 indicated horsepower (7,500 kW). [1], She was protected by steel armor; her armored belt was 17.75 in (451 mm) thick, and her armored deck was 3 in (76 mm) thick. The missile will have a new terminal "head" with dual RF seeker (Radio Frequency) and, presumably, date the need to even attack ground targets, IIR (Imaging IR). Because of the rapid pace of naval technological development in the late 19th century, her lengthy construction period meant that she was an obsolete design by the time she entered service. [11] She was formally stricken from the naval register in August 1909, and was thereafter used as a target ship for a torpedo experiment. She displaced 9,886 long tons (10,045 t) normally and up to 11,145 long tons (11,324 t) at full load. Varato il Francesco Morosini, secondo pattugliatore PPA per la Marina . As was customary for capital ships of the period, she carried five 14 in (356 mm) torpedo tubes submerged in the hull. Compared to the predecessor OTOMAT/TESEO, the TESEO "EVO" MK/2E has a double range or more than 360 km. The ship, named for Francesco Morosini, the 17th-century Doge of Venice, was the second of three ships in the Ruggiero di Lauria class, along with Ruggiero di Lauria and Andrea Doria. Nel Mediterraneo, al via l’Operazione IRINI dell’Unione Europea. The 1st and 2nd Divisions of the Active Squadron were tasked with defending against a hostile fleet, simulated by older ships in reserve. Italian Navy ordered the new MBDA TESEO MK/2E heavy-duty missile (TESEO "EVO"), a long-range anti-ship missilewith also strategic land attack capability. The PPA Francesco Morosini, second of seven units, is set to be commissioned in March 2022. Flag ship nave carabiniere in operazione atalanta; Traffico mercantile; Fari e Segnalamenti; Istituto idrografico; Per la Cooperazione internazionale. Alla fine dell’anno scolastico gli allievi dei primi due corsi andranno a bordo della nave scuola “Amerigo Vespucci”, o a bordo della nave “San Marco”, per una campagna di istruzione estiva in crociera nel Mediterraneo, prima del periodo di vacanza. [1], Francesco Morosini was under construction for nearly eight years. Come entrare nella Scuola Navale Militare Francesco Morosini di Venezia: modalità di selezione e requisiti necessari. La scuola navale militare "Francesco Morosini" è una «Nave in Laguna» con il suo splendido equipaggio. Pronunciando la formula del giuramento gli allievi hanno sancito il legame con la Patria e sono entrati così a far parte della grande famiglia della Marina Militare. 11 Marzo 2010. di Giampiero Rellini Lerz. 25 Maggio 2020 25 Maggio 2020 niccoli. Alla Scuola Navale Militare “Francesco Morosini” di Venezia, venerdì u.s. 68 allievi del corso Cerberus hanno giurato fedeltà alla Repubblica Italiana e alle sue Istituzioni. [3] She remained in the 2nd Division, which now included the protected cruiser Etruria and the torpedo cruisers Euridice and Calatafimi, in 1895. Varato il Francesco Morosini, secondo pattugliatore PPA per la Marina. 5 + 5 network; RSS Venezia; V-RMTC; CHENS; ADRION ; European Carrier Group Interoperability Initiative (ECGII) Per l'Ambiente. At Milos, they rendezvoused with Prince George of Greece and Denmark aboard his yacht. Si è tenuto oggi presso il cantiere navale di Riva Trigoso, in Liguria, il varo del Pattugliatore Francesco Morosini. [6], Francesco Morosini deployed to Crete to served in the International Squadron, a multinational force made up of ships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, French Navy, Imperial German Navy, Regia Marina, Imperial Russian Navy, and Royal Navy that intervened in the 1897-1898 Greek uprising on Crete against rule by the Ottoman Empire. Martin Manaranche 06 May 2020 Martin Manaranche story with additional reporting by Xavier Vavasseur guns. The squadron also included the ironclads Re Umberto, Sicilia, and Lepanto. [1], Francesco Morosini was armed with a main battery of four 17 in (432 mm) 27-caliber guns, mounted in two pairs en echelon in a central barbette. [12][13], Ironclad warship of the Italian Royal Navy, Shipwrecks and maritime incidents in 1909, "Naval and Military Notes – Italy", p. 564, "Torpedo Experiments Against the 'Francesco Morosini'", pp. Former OTOMAT is accredited for a range of action of more than 180 km. She could steam for 2,800 nautical miles (5,200 km; 3,200 mi) at a speed of 10 knots (19 km/h; 12 mph). Compared to the predecessor OTOMAT/TESEO, the TESEO "EVO" MK/2E has a double range or more than 360 km. Francesco Morosini was 105.9 meters (347 ft 5 in) long overall and had a beam of 19.84 m (65 ft 1 in) and an average draft of 8.37 m (27 ft 6 in). Ma quella nave non esiste più, relitto sopraffatto da alghe, spugne, coralli. Her propulsion system consisted of a pair of compound steam engines each driving a single screw propeller, with steam supplied by eight coal-fired, oval boilers. Svolse due sole missioni offensive in Mediterraneo, per un totale di 3521 miglia percorse in superficie e 765 in immersione. She spent her career alternating between the Active and Reserve Squadrons, where she took part in training exercises each year with the rest of the fleet. Boys and girls of an age between 15 and 18 years old, after having positively passed the admission process, are enrolled to attend the last three high school years. [9] In 1900, Francesco Morosini and her sisters were significantly modified and received a large number of small guns for defense against torpedo boats. Fincantieri to launch Italian Navy’s 2nd PPA ‘Francesco Morosini’ in June Italian shipyard Fincantieri is set to launch the second Pattugliatore Polivalente d’Altura (PPA) vessel for the Italian Navy (Marina Militare) next month. She was armed with a main battery of four 17-inch (432 mm) guns, was protected with 17.75-inch (451 mm) thick belt armor, and was capable of a top speed of 17 knots (31 km/h; 20 mph). Her conning tower was armored with 9.8 in (249 mm) of steel plate, and the barbette had 14.2 in (361 mm) thick sides. Home Marina News . On 15 September, she was sunk at La Spezia; the experiment was conducted to test the effect of a torpedo hit in order to develop more a more effective hull design. La scuola navale militare "Francesco Morosini" nacque nel 1937 con la denominazione di "Collegio Navale della Gioventù Italiana del Littorio", con lo scopo di alimentare nei giovani la passione per le attività militari e marinaresche e prepararli ad essere arruolati nella Regia Marina. After Prince George boarded Bugeaud on 20 December, Francesco Morosini, Revenge, and Gerzog Edinburgski escorted Bugeaud to Crete, where Prince George disembarked on 21 December 1898 to take office as the High Commissioner of an autonomous Cretan State under the suzerainty of the Ottoman Empire, bringing the Cretan uprising to an end. la Francesco Morosini, potrebbe riportarmi ancora in Dalmazia. guns, one at the bow and the other at the stern, and four 4.7 in (119 mm) 32-cal. L’architettura della scuola navale “Francesco Morosini” di Venezia. La Scuola Navale Militare “Francesco Morosini” di Venezia apre le porte in previsione dell’imminente uscita del Bando di concorso per l’Anno Scolastico 2018/2019 per svelare le peculiarità dell’Istituto in piena attività e per permettere ai giovani e ai loro famigliari di conoscere la vita degli allievi. Francesco Morosini (P431) is the second ship of Paolo Thaon di Revel-class offshore patrol vessel. Il Francesco Morosini, battezzato con il nome del grande condottiero veneziano (e Doge) del XVII secolo, fa parte di una commessa di sette unità (con una possibile opzione di altre 3) che ha visto l’anno scorso il varo del Thaon di Revel.
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