I just think these gimmicks are being used in place of good map design. Especially the ones that require you to jump to place them. I have been playing Cypher for a good bit now, and after a while I wanted to draw him. Because of the placement it should be played behind gen or right side of default. A cheeky camera or tripwire spot can be lethal against attackers especially when they are entering a site. This guide shows three examples of how it can be used on the Valorant map, Ascent. The camera is also able to fire a dart at enemies, which will grant your team vision of the player hit, until they remove it. Since then, however, many of his camera spots have been nerfed, making Cypher only slightly weaker. Cypher’s signature ability is the ‘Spycam’, which allows this agent to place a camera down on the map, anywhere within line-of-sight and range. Find every lineup you ever need! Ascent is quite a great map for Cypher, as there are many fantastic spots for his camera and trapwires. It will cover the B-Short to the Hookah entrance view, as well as the view of … Communicate to your team to let them know where exactly specific agents are, so they will have an easier time playing each round. It is useful to know the shorthand for different spots on … Info. This will allow you to provide valuable information as your team are entering the site. Ardiis departs from fish123 Valorant roster, NIP's Jady on triumph over G2, playing an aggressive Sage, and personal goals in Valorant in 2021, Dignitas and Verizon announce $50,000 VCT Game Changers tournament, VCT Masters 3 to be held in Berlin, Germany, Breeze will not be played at Masters Reykjavik, Riot confirms, ScreaM on entering VCT Masters, Jamppi’s impact on Liquid, and facing teams from other regions, VCT Japan Stage 2 Challengers Finals Results. This particular spot might help the defenders to counter a mid push while also keeping an … At least one cage should be used every round in this spot. Breach Fault Line Guide: Haven. These Cypher camera spots for Ascent are fairly easy to implement into your gameplay, however, we do recommend that you hop onto a practice server to perfect them. In addition to the other offense cage this one can be used it covers the tight gen angle making it easier for your team to push into site. This includes oneway cages, cam spots, interesting tripwires and full setups. Some unique Spycam placements on this map can allow for some amazing strats and clutch plays. This will allow your team to focus on Heaven and the right-hand side of the bombsite. Cypher Guide for lineups on Ascent. There are two great camping spots for the defending team, one is in A-long and the other is in A-Short. Same cage as the previous one but a safer lineup. Cypher camera glitch on Ascent So apparently a lot of players have known about this glitch for a while but I think I’m the first one to make a video on it from VALORANT A player with the username TimBuckktwo was playing a ranked match on Ascent and by accident discovered this camera spot. VALORANT and Riot Games are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. VALORANT © Riot Games, Inc. © 2020 All Rights Reserved | Business inquiries: ValHQ.contact@gmail.com. Having your cages, trips and cams in diffrent spots avoids enemys killing of your untility easily. The first of these will be using this ability to clear out a position as you breach A-site. Cypher- Ascent Must know one ways, tripwire and camera setups from VALORANT. For the latest news, guides, and interviews in the world of Valorant, remember to follow us at Run It Back. A-Wine: Placing this camera down at the start of the round will allow you to play back on the A-Site, holding an off-angle. Firstly this guide gives you 9 oneway smokes aswell as cam spots on both bombsites. Practicing them beforehand will also make you remember them better the next time you decide to play as Cypher. One way smokes are basically a great tool where your opponents won’t be able to see you whereas you can see their legs. The above callouts will be used to specify the following Spycam Spots of Cypher in Icebox map. Second entrence to A site can be covered with this cage. Make sure to play this cage in a spot where main cannot see you. ... Cypher Guide for lineups on Ascent. After placing the camera down, you can activate it again in order to view the video feed. This grants vision from the camera’s position, providing you with valuable information, without any of the risks of dying attached. First I took his model and made it into a usable fullbody-tracking avatar for VRChat. Strategy on Ascent playing as Cypher or Killjoy. All Cypher lineups for map Ascent. Top of Mid – Holding Mid is no easy task, but if trying to do so, this is a great spot to place a Spycam, especially on top of the railing to get the most forward-leaning perspective. 6 months ago. Second offensive cage, this time for backside boathouse great to stop rotations to the site. Same as the first one on the left side, but again with a different lineup. From the camera’s viewpoint, you should be able to see if more than one player enters B-Main, unless they are all hugging the other side of the entrance. This camera spot also requires a jump in order to place. Ex semi-pro player and coach from the South African CS:GO scene. Because of the positioning on the shield its playable from pretty much anywhere in mid. Having early information provided by Cypher’s cameras is incredibly valuable, as it will allow you to rotate to other sites when necessary, as well as being able to call for teammates to rotate in quickly. Ascent is the closest map to CS design we currently have in Valorant in my opinion, and it still ignores most of what made those maps work in the first place. 3 2 4 5 2 3. Third cage for offense blocking the left angle while pushing in. Cypher Camera Spots: Icebox – Defensive Setups ... guides. 6 months ago. In addition to tripwires that are possible on B site, this cage can earn you easy kills if the enemy decides to push B. Cypher Camera Spots: Ascent. A VALORANT player has found a spot on Ascent where Cypher’s Spy Cam can see enemy players before the round begins.. Cypher can place his camera in a corner on A site that allows players to see into A main. Sort of a "sure ascent is a terrible map but here are some doors you can open and close, this one has ropes!" The ceiling in B-Hookah is an amazing spot to place your Spycam at. The first A site setup is purly for the A site with cages on A main and A door. Because of this cage and the cage for main Cypher playing alone on A is pretty easy for Cypher. – Why Play Cypher?. Cypher Camera Spots: Haven – 4 Defensive Positions. 6 months ago. You will also have a clear view of the site entrance to B-Main, allowing you to safely play back on the B-Site, while still being aware of what is coming. Because of the positining the timing of the cage is very importent. Watch later. Or, playing as Cypher, place a tripwire at the exit from Tunnel B, and the camera at the exit of the defending team’s spawn point and leave to view the middle the map. Cypher Guide: Essential Camera Spots for Attack on Icebox. This Cypher camera placement will help avoid that in a Valorant match. Posted by. runitback.gg Copyright © 2020   Privacy Policy   Terms of Service   Contact Us. Close. It will also ensure that you are in position when the enemies do push your bomb-site, as you have had an early warning beforehand. A-Lobby is one of the best ways for the attackers to push into the site. Pretty Nutty Cypher Cam for Ascent B. This is another spot that hides the camera rather well. Further a nice mid oneway cage aswell as cages for offense. A-Wine: Placing this camera down at the start of the round will allow you to play back on the A-Site, holding an off-angle. Sort of a "sure ascent is a terrible map but here are some doors you can open and close, this one has ropes!" First I took his model and made it into a usable fullbody-tracking avatar for VRChat. Ascent is the closest map to CS design we currently have in Valorant in my opinion, and it still ignores most of what made those maps work in the first place. The spycam is also very valuable and can provide a large amount of information to your team, potentially winning rounds. If players activate the camera before the round starts, they can see enemies through the barrier and determine their movements. Cypher is one of the most effective Agents in Bind and can single-handedly hold down plant sites. First cage for the right side covering people pushing in from A main. For the latest news, guides, and interviews in the world of Valorant, remember to follow us at Run It Back. It’s important to swap different camera placements up after the enemy spots it multiple rounds in a row. Once placed in the air, the camera is still fully functional, allowing Cypher to look through it and spy on any enemy players who may be caught in its vision. Valorant-HQ.com isn’t endorsed by Riot Games and doesn’t reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing VALORANT. Then I tried some different poses until I came with this one. Also, the camera blends into the corner of the roof making it difficult for enemies to spot. 7.5k. And one player recently discovered several locations where Cypher’s Cyber Cages, Tripwires, and Spy Camera can be placed to help hold sites on Ascent. Secondly there are 2 Full setups for both bombsites.
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