Astral Form is an ability in Valorant. Share Blog Valorant Astra Guide - Pro Abilities, Tips & Tricks (2021) Hey everyone! Astra's abilities have been clearly defined in this latest video in which she is seen entering an astral form, allowing her to dominate the map by placing stars, which in the process can be triggered to come out like smoke / could shock her opponent or pull them into a gravity well. 1.6k. Learn how Astra, Valorant's new 200 IQ Agent, performs with our abilities breakdown. We'll go through Astra's full abilities list below. Today I’m going to talk about Valorant’s Astra. As an Astra main, you can place stars on the map that can be activated later in a variety of ways, transforming them using her Nova Pulse, Nebula, and Gravity Well skills. Astra's kit is primarily built around supporting aggressive duelists. Valorant Episode 2 … C: GRAVITY WELL. Valorant agent 15 has a 'cosmic' set of abilities. Astra can check for fake defuses with her abilities. The agent's C ability is called Gravity Well. Advertisement. Episode 2 Act 2 of Valorant is about to arrive, and with it, a new controller agent will make her debut in the game, with the power of the stars in her hands. Astra abilities in Valorant: Gravity Well (First Ability). Blink. Astra is а VALORANT agent. Now comes the hard road ahead. Published on February 27th, 2021 . Read More: VALORANT dev debunks Astra and Viper fan theories. Astra is а VALORANT agent. Place Stars in Astral Form (X). Astral Form is accessed freely and allows you to deploy "Stars", a currency unique to Astra.Instead of buying abilities like other agents, she can only purchase stars. Published: 27/Feb/2021 17:24 Updated: 28/Feb/2021 20:46. by Lauren Bergin. The Nova Pulse ability charges Stars towards enemies and then detonates, concussing players around it. Astra can check for fake defuses with her abilities. Here are all of Astra’s abilities in VALORANT C – Gravity Well. Big-brain gamers are getting the Agent of their dreams thanks to the addition of Astra in Valorant. Nova Pulse (Q). Valorant agent Astra was revealed just now in a video. The 15th hero added to the game. When it goes off,... Nebula (Signature Ability). Players in the area are pulled... Q – Nova Pulse. She’s one of the most unique agents yet, not only thematically but also in terms of playstyle. Information about Agents, Maps, Weapons and abilities and in-depth Valorant guides on how to improve. That clearly shows in the gameplay trailer. Abilities of Astra in Valorant explained. Valorant Character – Astra Overview. Valorant: Astra abilities and contract skin. Main Wikis. Instead, Astra can buy a total of five nodes called ‘stars.’ By using your ultimate key, Astra projects herself into her astral form where she gains a bird’s eye view and can place stars anywhere across the map. Mark McCloskey, gun-toting St. Louis lawyer, considering Senate bid. Hey there, r/VALORANT user! We're currently doing an experiment with videos on the subreddit. I main everything. VALORANT Astra Abilities. Nova Pulse (Second Ability). With Astra, you buy her Stars for 200 each – on top of the two Stars she gets at the beginning of every round for free. METAsrc Valorant 2.07 Astra Icebox AP Valorant Build Guide, best items, first round items, shop purchases, weapons, stats for attacking and defending Equipped with an arsenal of strategical crowd control abilities, Astra is the perfect agent for anyone looking to win the fight before it’s started. Here are Astra's abilities in Valorant. Ghanaian Agent Astra harnesses the energies of the cosmos to reshape battlefields to her whim. Astra is the name of the newest agent as she seems to bring otherworldly abilities to the table. Log In Sign Up. Astra for Valorant Controller. Astra is a celestial being, and unlike other agents in the game, she has two parts to her ultimate ability. Place Stars in Astral Form (X) ACTIVATE a Star to form a Gravity Well. Moreover, she has got one more beautiful ability with which she can blur the sights of her enemies. When the Nova Pulse is placed, it will charge briefly before detonating. Map control is power in Valorant, and the newest agent joining the roster has a ton of it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 3 minutes read. 3. “Ghanian agent Astra harnesses the energies of the cosmos to reshape battlefields to her whim. Astra • Valorant “You are divided! Share. Players in the area are pulled toward the center before it explodes, making all players still trapped inside fragile. 1 month ago. 5 2 5 4. VALORANT is a free to play 5v5, character-based tactical shooter. Riot Games. Alpha Wikis. ASTRA'S STARRY ABILITIES AND ULTIMATE ABILITY . Astra gets value out of using the entirety of her kit, and being the first one dead obviously inhibits that. User account menu. Astra revealed as Valorant’s 15th Agent: abilities, release date. The latest agent Astra was to be released in a few days, but her promo video has got leaked by Valorant themselves. Astra is a Controller, which means she uses smokes, walls, and other abilities to help block the sight of the enemy. Valorant's latest addition, Astra, is bringing unique capabilities to the table, and fans should keep an eye out when she drops on March 2. Astral Form is a Passive Ability for Astra. Astra Joins the Fight in Valorant. VALORANT’s New Agent ‘Astra’ Abilities 1. Astra’s style can be written down as ‘cosmic’ and the stars will do all the magic.
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