Altri contenuti della guida di Resident Evil 7:. The door to the right is locked from the other side so move down the corridor to the left. Processing Area (B1) – Hallway Outside Incinerator Room. Trova resident evil 7 in vendita tra una vasta selezione di su eBay. Processing Area (B1) – North Morgue Hallway. Naturally, you’ll want to try to move away from Jack while cranking it, but you might be able to duck his current attack while cranking it or have enough time to crank it then block his next attack. You could just go back to through the door to the beginning of the Processing Area and he will likely despawn or move away from the next door that you should go through. As Ethan rises, he will have his back to the pillar in the middle of the morgue, so start to move to the LEFT to get away from Jack. You need to open the Incinerator with the bloody handprint on it and the far right incinerator (Tamara name tag inside) to solve the puzzle and unlock Travis’ incinerator on the far left. Main Hall (2F) – Grandma’s Room (Backtrack). Turn to the right then duck down and grab the Chem Fluid from the bottom shelf of the tray. La modalità Manicomio è solo per chi ha dentro di sé lo spirito di osare e perseverare.Qui di seguito vi svelerò i segreti per diventare maestri di Survival Horror. Walk forward and try to take it and you’ll trigger a cutscene. The Scorpion Keys can be used to open both Scorpion Doors – Main Hall (1F) east door and Recreation Room east door. If you try to run from him, he will chase after Ethan and get much more violent with his attacks. The light on the chainsaw starts out as yellow to show that it is on then the yellow light will start to flash to show that it is about to turn off. The worst part about controlling the chainsaw is that it will eventually turn off from lack of charge and Ethan will have to restart it. On the right side of the current room, you’ll find Shotgun Shells (x5) in the locker, so be sure to grab those. E con lui un'esperienza in VR davvero incredibile. The door at the bottom of the stairway requires the snake key in order to open. Any Service Group è formato da un gruppo di professionisti specializzati che opera nell’area di Milano da oltre 8 anni. Use the Shotgun to blast at least one of the remaining Molded in the head to kill him off instantly. Resident Evil 7 – Guida ai finali alternativi Redazione - Redattore 31 Gennaio 2017, 18:07 Ultimo aggiornamento 10 Luglio 2018, 13:13 Kill the Molded off with your Handgun. The correct incinerator to open are mentioned in the Incinerator Room Memo – 3 a’s and a handprint. Cercheremo di non fare spoiler nei limiti del possibile, ma in … Get away from him as he rises since he might attack Ethan if you don’t. Once you’re finished in the save room, go down the stairs and enter the Processing Area (Basement). Look in between the cabinet and the desk with the memo on it to find some Burner Fuel (x100) on the floor then open the cabinet and grab the Handgun Ammo (x5) inside. Resident Evil 7 è disponibile da meno di un mese ma Capcom non ha perso tempo e ha deciso di lanciare sul mercato il primo DLC già disponibile su PS4 ein arrivo su PC e Xbox One il 21 febbraio. Resident Evil 7 ha riportato la serie alle sue radici survival horror, ma si trattava di molto di più di uno sguardo al passato: come primo gioco della serie basato su una prospettiva in prima persona, veniva considerato come una vera e propria ripartenza per la saga. There is also a Mr. Run back to the Main Hall (1F). Step into meat processing room up ahead and grab the Scorpion Key that is stuck in the piece of meat on the tray. A Molded will spawn step out from around the corner and it is best to kill this Molded unlike the last. Now that Jack does not appear in the Main Hall area, you are free to loot the entire room. You'll also find the Processing Area Map on the wall near the shelf. Resident Evil 7 non contiene certo una grossa quantità di armi da usare e, come molti di voi avranno notato, alcune sono addirittura rotte. There is nothing inside the locker. The bathtub to the immediate left has some Handgun Ammo (x8) inside and the tub in the back of the room has Chem Fluid inside. If you choose to fight the Claw Molded, it’s really no different than fighting a regular Molded besides its claw arm attacks that have greater range than normal Molded attacks. Shooting him will eventually make him lean over and expose the parasite in his body (seems to take 9 headshots with normal handgun ammo to get this). There are no surprises on the way back except for a slight granny scare in the East Main Hall Corridor. Take the Herb from the space in the wall behind where the first Molded spawned. Another Molded will be off to the left as Ethan enters the Incinerator Room. Up ahead of Ethan is the Red Dog’s Head on the shelf. When the parasite is in view, perform a thrust attack against it until Jack rises back up – this will take some serious damage from Jack. Open the door that was beside the shutter that you opened to get into the meat processing room to continue. Open the locker across from the door on the other side of the room to find some Chem Fluid. This room has three Molded inside and one will be to your immediate left as soon as yous step inside, so you need to exit quickly after setting foot into the room. The double doors lead to the Morgue area. The door to the left that leads to the Workshop is locked from the other side. Jack is still armed with the axe that he picked up in the garage.
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