Though her much-anticipated new album was placed on hold because of the pandemic, sources say her art is evolving along with her. The pop star, 32, is dating rapper and fellow Brit Skepta, 38, a source close to Adele confirms to PEOPLE in this week's issue, on newsstands Friday. IPA. Video Intervista Giulia Salemi a 105 Take Away: ecco cosa è successo in diretta . Di sicuro Adele e Skepta sono molto legati e hanno instaurato una bellissima amicizia. She's doing well and feeling terrific.". According to sources, Adele has remained committed to a diet and fitness regimen including Pilates, weight training and other targeted areas. By emily belfiore Jun 29, 2020 5:38 PM Tags. The music superstars, who both hail from … Lui è Skepta, cantante rap che era finito nella bufera delle cronache rosa anche per una liaison con Naomi Campbell. Sembra che il rapporto tra i due sia andando nella direzione dell’amore: ad alimentare il sospetto, sono stati gli ultimi regali dell’artista per il rapper. Anche se i due non hanno mai confermato (ma neppure smentito) di stare insieme. It's no rumor: there's a new man in Adele's life. "She speaks to me about how things are going. Adele dopo la rottura con Simon Koneck e la nuova vita con Skepta. Adele and Skepta appear to be getting flirty. Keep scrolling to get the scoop. "Adele texts me all … Much has changed in Adele's life as of late, but her commitment to her and Konecki's 8-year-old son, Angelo, remains the same. News that the former couple's conflicting schedules played a large factor in their breakup. ", "Because of all the COVID restrictions and the travel bans, I had to travel light and could only bring half of me," she continued. Skepta, 38enne britannico. "Finally got your Instagram password lol," the rapper wrote. In 2016, Skepta said of Adele to ES Magazine: 'Adele texts me all the time and keeps me in check. “Frequentano il solito giro in città e si divertono molto ”. Lui si … Adele and Skepta continued to fuel romance rumors with their flirty exchange on Instagram, and fans are convinced the musicians are an item. “Le situazione tra Adele e Skepta si è scaldata parecchio” ha riportato un altro insider, questa volta al magazine People. "They run in the same circles in London, and she's having fun," a source tells PEOPLE of Adele and her new beau Skepta in this week's issue. clicca per guardare tutte le foto della gallery. Romance rumors began to swirl shortly after it was announced that the "Rumour Has It" singer had officially filed for divorce from Simon Konecki. Il tatuaggio sul collo di Skepta recita: " PER SEMPRE".E non so se cosa sta succedendo con il compositore della colonna sonora della rottura Adele.Ma abbiamo un po 'di informazioni recenti che ci porterebbero a credere che sia più PER SEMPRE che TEMPORANEO.Una fonte afferma che stanno sicuramente uscendo insieme e che le cose si stanno " scaldando". E quest’ultima non ha negato nulla, rispondendo con un’occhiolino e un cuore rosso… Adele e Skepta: è amore o amicizia? "They run in the same circles in London, and she's having fun.". Va detto che in effetti i due si conoscono da tantissimi anni, e che sono certamente grandi amici. | Credit: NBC; Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterstock. All rights reserved. Over the weekend, the musicians, who have been at the center of romance rumors since October 2019, exchanged some flirty messages over Instagram, further fueling speculation that they might be an item. She's also been taking new risks. Adele e Skepta non sono fidanzati. Adele corteggia Skepta e alimenta ancora il gossip di una loro presunta relazione dopo la rottura con il marito Simon Konecki, dal quale ha avuto suo figlio Angelo.L’artista britannica sfoggia quindi un nuovo fisico e un possibile nuovo fidanzato, che già si era fatto intravedere sui suoi social qualche mese fa. 1 di 10. 3 di 10. "And this is the half I chose.". Trends. Joking about experiencing "a lot" of heartbreak in her life, she appeared on a Bachelor spoof and quipped she would next appear on the dating show Love Island. Check out the hottest fashion, photos, movies and TV shows! "They have a close bond and there's definitely a special connection," a source told the publication in October. Glamour queen Adele - … ", Back in 2016, Skepta opened up about his longtime friendship with Adele in an interview with ES Magazine. Frequentano gli stessi ambienti, a Londra. Tipo scopamici. Taking to social media to watch her 2016 Glastonbury Music Festival performance broadcast on BBC, Adele shared a picture of herself donning the same gown that she wore on the Pyramid stage four years ago. Adele e Skepta ... più che amici. "Adele texts me all the time and keeps me in check," Skepta — who has a 2-year-old daughter, River, from a previous relationship — said in a 2016 interview with the Evening Standard. It was the stuff showbiz dreams are made of, when Adele and Skepta sent fans' hearts racing with rumours they were dating last September. “Frequentano gli stessi giri a Londra e lei si sta divertendo”. Condividi Smentito il rumor di un flirt con Chris Brown, e dopo aver sbancato l’auditel al SNL, Adele starebbe uscendo con un altro rapper. Entertainment Television, LLC A Division of NBCUniversal. For all the details on Adele's new life and new romance, pick up the latest issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday. Tuttavia, non è raro che Skepta e Adele facciano coppia a Londra, oltre ad aver trascorso del tempo insieme durante la quarantena. Adele, Skepta, Instagram Back in 2016, Skepta opened up about his longtime friendship with Adele in an interview with ES Magazine . "There have been major challenges in her life and in the world," says a music-industry source. “She is still very motivated because she feels great,” says an insider. One fan replied, "I'm here for it," while another responded to Skepta saying, "Did you take the pic?" For her part, Adele replied with a winking emoji and a red heart emoji, sending fans into a tizzy. Amici da tempo, Adele e Skepta sarebbero diventati ‘altro’ con il tempo. If you would like to opt out of browser push notifications, please refer to the following instructions specific to your device and browser: Adele Is Dating Rapper Skepta: 'Things Have Been Heating Up,' Says Source. Eppure stavolta sembrava davvero che la cantante avesse ritrovato l’amore in Joseph Junior Adenuga, il 38enne rapper Skepta. "She became a bigger and bigger star, and he was okay [with] being in the background," the insider shared. leggi dopo. Text us for exclusive photos and videos, royal news, and way more. "She's working her way around all of that and will introduce it when she's ready. Bene, whoop-dee-doo, Adele e Skepta probabilmente stanno ancora uscendo insieme. Get push notifications with news, features and more. Nell’ultimo periodo si è vociferato di una possibile love story tra NEW YORK - Adele ha presentato Skepta ai suoi migliori amici. Months prior, a rep for Adele confirmed that she and her partner of eight years, who are parents to 7-year-old son Angelo, were splitting up after tying the knot in May 2018. La conferma del ritorno di fiamma arriva dal settimanale People: pare che l’uomo che ha rubato il cuore della regina del brit white soul non sia proprio un perfetto sconosciuto. Archiviata la top model, Skepta è tornato sui suoi passi con Adele. "Adele texts me all the time and keeps me in check," he shared. Adele invece ha raccolto i cocci della fine del suo rapporto con l’ex marito, con cui aveva una relazione dal 2011 (si erano sposati solo 2 anni fa) e una fonte di People ha rivelato la sua rinascita. IPA. Si chiama Joseph Junior Adenuga, ma è conosciuto da tutti con il nickname Skepta, 38. Friends for years, Adele and Skepta (real name Joseph Junior Adenuga) have a deep connection over music, their shared home neighborhood of Tottenham, London, and being parents to young children, according to sources. «Adele e Skepta si sono supportati a vicenda mentre le rispettive relazioni stavano implodendo. Adele and her speculated boyfriend, U.K. rapper Skepta, engaged in a bit of flirty social media banter over the weekend, per E! I due, in effetti, stavolta hanno tutte le carte in regola per funzionare. Secondo una fonte molto vicina ai due artisti, riportata da People, Adele e Skepta si sarebbero innamorati e sarebbero ormai diventati insperabili.Uscirebbero insieme, frequenterebbero gli stessi ambienti, si divertirebbero anche … "They are on a good schedule. "But as she got bigger and had massive tours and intense schedules, they just grew apart.". E lui davvero le ha ridato il sorriso. A source close to the couple previously told E! © 2021 E! Escono insieme. Adele e Skepta sono una coppia. Secondo il Sun, inoltre, Adele e Skepta uscirebbero insieme come amici già da diverso tempo, ma sembra che ultimamente questa amicizia si stia trasformando in qualcosa di più profondo. Hanno sviluppato un legame stretto e una connessione speciale. Adele took to Instagram to set the record straight on who she's actually dating, following Skepta rumors. "She speaks to me about how things are going.". Già quando erano ragazzi sono infatti cresciuti insieme nel quartiere londinese di … Joseph Junior Adenuga (born 19 September 1982), known professionally as Skepta, is a British grime MC, rapper, songwriter and record producer from Tottenham, North London.Skepta, alongside his younger brother Jme, joined Roll Deep for a short period of time before becoming founding members of Boy Better Know in 2005. 2 di 10. ", RELATED VIDEO: Chrissy Teigen Reacts to Adele's New Look in Gorgeous Birthday Photo: 'Are You Kidding Me'. Adele took to Instagram to set the record straight on who she’s actually dating, following Skepta rumors. slideshow mostra dettagli nascondi dettagli. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Connecting the dots, another chimed in, writing, "Wait a damn minute!". IPA. Engineer Creates App To Translate Your Cat, Find out what your cat is trying to tell you with a new cat app, The Sweetest Photos of Princes Harry with Diana, Princess Diana died when Harry was just 12 years old, Sean Connery's Cause of Death Revealed Weeks After He Dies at Age 90. ADELE has been on a number of dates with Skepta — and friends predict they could become a couple. News. Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images, Mike Marsland/WireImage. IPA. Since filing for divorce from husband Simon Konecki in September 2019 after seven years together, Adele has "been a lot more social and opened up quite a bit," the source close to Adele says. She speaks to me about how things are going.' Adele si rimette sentimentalmente in gioco ed "esce" con il rapper Skepta - La cantante e l'ex di Naomi Campbell si conoscono da tempo ed entrambi provengono da Tottenham Your source for entertainment news, celebrities, celeb news, and ​celebrity gossip. In her opening monologue, she even addressed her much-buzzed-about slim-down for the first time, saying, "I know I look really, really different since you last saw me. Keep scrolling to get the scoop. Neither Adele nor Skepta have confirmed that they are in a relationship, but according to the U.K.'s Mirror, the pair have a deep connection. ", RELATED: Adele Is 'Perky as Hell' After Difficult Divorce — and Itching to Share New Music with Fans: Sources. Last weekend, she put her comedic chops on display while hosting Saturday Night Live for the first time. La fa divertire. People conferma la storia tra Adele e Skepta. You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications. Introducing ... PEOPLE's Products Worth the Hype, Martin Short Doesn't Rewatch His Movies: 'That Seems a Little Bit, Rob Gronkowski Talks NFTs, His New Dog Ralphie and Being Bud Light's 'Secretary of Summer', Black Coalition Against COVID Launches Black Doctors Read Tweets Series: 'Let's Fight for Access', Lisa Ling, Naomi Osaka, Jeremy Lin, Kevin Durant, and More Help Launch The Asian American Foundation, Adele Is 'Perky as Hell' After Difficult Divorce — and Itching to Share New Music with Fans: Sources, addressed her much-buzzed-about slim-down. While splitting time between Los Angeles and London during the coronavirus pandemic, she has been helping her son stay on track with school. "It's been Adele's focus to help him be successful with online schooling," the insider says. Parola di People. Della presunta relazione tra Adele e il rapper Skepta si vociferava da tempo. La conoscenza tra Adele, classe 1988, e Skepta, classe 1982, sarebbe iniziata parecchi mesi fa ma la loro vicinanza sarebbe aumentata dopo la separazione della cantante lo scorso aprile. After posting the snapshot, Skepta left a cryptic comment for the Grammy winner. Coyote Ugly Turns 20: Where Is the Cast Now? "They're spending more and more time together. In recent months "things have been heating up," the source says of the new couple.
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